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Ram and Board

A military tactic used by the Genome Soldier Project soldiers during the war against the Celestial Empire during the Human Celestial Conflict. The tactic involved utilizing a sturdy spaceship to ram into an enemy ship, punching a hole into the hull. Once the ramming ship has been embedded within the target ship, All soldiers immediately disembark wearing their sealed space armour, and kill as many enemies as possible. If the ship can be hijacked, then they will hijack it.   This tactic was developed as a result of Ulefric Genome's improvisation. He noticed a weakness in the Celestial Empire tactics where they would leave their large bomber ships unguarded, believing their energy shields to be sufficient to block any projectile. He saw Celestial fighter pilots were able to pass through the shield unscathed, and wagered that the energy shields would only block projectiles that were fast enough to be correctly interpreted as projectiles. It was a gamble, but it paid off. He along with Raphael and many other soldiers, used a re-entry protection vessel (a special vessel designed to repeatedly withstand the heat of re-entering the atmosphere) to punch through the hull of a celestial bomber, where they massacred the unprepared crew. They commandered the Celestial Bomber, and used it against the Celestial Empire for the remainder of the current battle.


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