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Celestial Empire

The all consuming empire of the Tseibajeen species. Conquerors of the land, the sea, and the stars.



The Emperor/Empress has absolute authority over all affairs related to running the Celestial Empire. Specific institutions within the government have their own rulers and in this position has the power to override the decisions of anyone in any position of power. Can bestow "personhood" to anyone they desire for any reason.  


People in close relationship with Emperor/Empress, whether through family ties, or friendship. Have high level of influence over decisions by Emperor/Empress, due to close relations. Some are given reign over territories within Empire, and serve almost as satellite Emperor/Empress in area of domain, however any decision can be overridden by the true Emperor/Empress. Theoretically, any Tseibajeen can become a nobleman/noblewomen if they are handpicked by the Emperor/Empress, but this is a very rare occurrence, and most usually just end up in positions in such as a General.  


A general is someone who has proven themselves to be great military strategist, and is considered a form of nobility. They make the important decisions in deciding how best to capture territory, attack, or defend (or other military action). This position is earned by specimens  


A commoner is any Tseibajeen  who isn't a member of the servant class, or the nobility class. Commoners are raised in groups of 4 called Squadrons, and never get to meet their biological families. All commoners must 10 years of mandatory military service. Commoners who are considered exceptional can receive recognition from those in higher positions of power. If one who fails to meet the requirements by the end of their mandatory term has two choices: sterilization, or voluntarily extend their service and keep trying to earn their personhood. Extensions to service are unlimited, but can only be given to those who are still physically able to continue.


The concept of the "intrinsic value of life" is completely foreign to the Celestial Empire.  


  The concept of family through blood relations is limited only to nobility. To everyone else, their squad during military service is their only family for their entire lives, even after they've finished their time in the military, and they couldn't care less about their blood relatives.  


During early development, every child is given a DNA test. This DNA test determines their placement, but also puts them into an assigned group of four, called a "Squadron". The group they are in is sometimes decided by their genetic strengths, but primarily by their sex (male or female), which is kept secret from each of them. Each group consists of two males and two females. This group is meant to become friends during childhood, and also their squad during military service.  


the Tseibajeen are taught to believe that their species is the one superior species of the galaxy, and that it is their birthright to command and conquer the galaxy. They believe that they deserve to feel good, and partake in hedonistic indulgences to "worship" themselves.

Public Agenda

Expansion of empire for glory


Countless worlds


Large portions of Milky-way galaxy, still currently under expansion.


Military consists of young men and women, who are required to serve 10 years of their life in service to the Empire (usually in the form of military service) starting at the age of 19. In addition, there are also individuals who voluntarily join for glory and recognition.


The Tseibajeen don't believe in any sort of higher power, but rather believe themselves to be gods. They partake in self-worship through hedonism.

Foreign Relations

Care very little for other species


Education is different between Nobility and Commoners. Nobility receive better education which begins at 7 years old, and ends at 25. They learn much more advanced concepts, and can even branch into specific fields. Commonerseducation begins at 7 years old, but ends at the age of 19 when mandatory military service begins. Those who receive personhood can choose to continue their education, in the same fields as the Nobility.

Mythology & Lore

Embellished stories about Emperors/Empress's are quite common, but are usually only taught to children. Tseibajeen also believe that their own species are deserving of control of the cosmos. Tseibajeen worship the current Emperor/Empress, as well as themselves for being the species that they are.

Divine Origins

This religion developed over the course of thousands of years of stories and dogma about the Emperor/Empress and their species


Might is right. If it benefits the Empire, it is good. If it feels good, it is good.
Founding Date
6000 BC
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
Legislative Body
Emperor/Empress, with advisement of nobility
Judicial Body
Judicial branch, but can be overridden by Emperor/Empress
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Traditions
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
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