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Ulefric Genome

General Urlefric Urlefric Genomic

The twist villain of Legends of Kairothia. He was and is rightfully renown as a hero to Humanity for his feats during the Human Celestial Conflict. He along with his legion are responsible for the survival of millions of Humans. Some time after the conflict, his open hatred of the Tseibajeen race opens him up to possession of Malice Demons, and he becomes possessed by a powerful Demon who gives him immense power; enough power to pose a serious threat to the Celestial Empire. But Ulefric won't stop at just the Empire. He holds the entire Tseibajeen species responsible for the devestation of Humanity, and intends to kill every last one of them, both the guilty and the innocent in one fell swoop.   Ulefric is a genetically engineered soldier from the Genomic Project in the military of the Federation of Earth. Before the Celestial Empire destroyed the Federation of Earth, he was the ultimate soldier, and a brilliant leader. He had unwavering loyalty to the Federation of Earth, seven times the strength of an ordinary man, and unflinching bravery. He and his legion knew no fear. Now, he is a crippled shadow of his former self, living among the human population upon the moon of Kairothia III. Despite the apparent collapse of the Federation of Earth, Urlefric still believes in his duty as a super soldier to protect the Human race, at any cost.     Despite his rough demeanor, Urlefric is a very kind and gentle soul towards Humans and Kairothians. He could never bring himself to harm a Human Being, or a Kairothian. His kindness ends with the Tseibajeen, which he considers to be a great scourge on the galaxy, and the ultimate enemy of mankind. Given the chance, he would exterminate all of them.   During the Human Celestial Conflict, Ulefric was one of the geniuses behind the "Ram and Board" technique of dealing with Celestial Empire ships. While he didn't manage to turn the tide of the war, this tactic was instrumental in delaying the Tseibajeen ships from decimating the Human population while they evacuated. Near the conclusion of the conflict, governor Johnson Vindicus selfishly ordered Ulefric and his legion to escort his ship on the interstellar voyage to Kairothia III. Ulefric Genome protested, knowing that if his soldiers were tied up with protecting a single ship that was unlikely to be attacked anyways, hundreds of thousands of people would be unprotected from the Celestial Empire invaders. He would rather fight till his last breath, or until the last human was transported off-world. But Ulefric had no authority over this politician, and reluctantly complied. To this day, it is the only order he regretted obeying, and he holds a deep grudge against that man, the only Human that he hates.   On the world of Kairothia III, his past became a distant painful memory. He lived among the other Humans, both soldiers and civilians, who came with him. He vowed to himself to protect the remnants of Humanity at all cost. Despite his unwavering love for humanity, he has a tendancy to infantlize them, as if they were sheep and he was their shephard, often to the point where he ignores their opinions. In the mind of Ulefric, he knows what's best for everyone even if they don't know it.   20 years later, upon learning that the Celestial Empire had discovered the world of Kairothia III, he falls into a deep despair. Believing that everything he had grown to love over the past 20 years was going to be destroyed, and that the last remnants of Humanity would be hunted down and killed like the rest. His inner pain and despair attracts the attention of Demonic forces, who can sense his negative energy. The Demon appears before him in an Astral Storm and promise him the power to kill the Tseibajeen invaders and protect what he loves the most. He accepts and allows himself to be possessed by the Demon. He is bestowed the power to destroy them and manipulate reality within the Demons power, at the secret cost of his soul.   Over time Ulefric becomes more and more consumed by his hatred of the Tseibajeen species and Empire, and the Demon within him grows its power over him.   Raphael, with the guidance of Silva, confronts Ulefric. Raphael tells him to set aside his anger, that there is another way to save Humanity peacefully. Ulefric is mortified by this proposition, he can't believe that the son of his greatest ally would want to coexist with the Tseibajeen race, much less be at peace with them. Silva senses a terrifying Demonic presence radiating from Ulefric's soul. As she tries to warn Raphael, Ulefric lashes out at him. Raphael and Silva work together to fight Ulefric, but they are no match for him and the Demons power. Ulefric wins the battle. Ulefric laments that despite his anger, he can't bring himself to kill another Human, so he opts to use his demonic reality-altering powers to transform Raphael into a Tseibajeen, thinking that will make it easier. But he still finds himself unwilling to end Raphaels life. Despite Raphael having a Tseibajeen body, he still perceives him as a Human on the inside. He leaves Raphael behind battered and broken, trapped in an unfamiliar body.   Ulefric devises a plan to destroy the Celestial Empire, and the Tseibajeen race. He knows he has become very powerful, but he also knows that the Celestial Empire fleet could still kill him through orbital bombardment, and all the remaining Humans and the Kairothians would surely die with him. Instead, he kidnaps The Empress of the Celestial Empire who happened to be there at the time, and holds her hostage. Ulefric knew that a Celestial Empire battle fleet would come to her aid, and they wouldn't dare to bombard the planet with her still alive on it. As each Celestial ship comes to the planet, it is plucked from the sky using his ever growing demonic powers, and destroyed. Only the specialized stealth ships are able to safely land on the surface.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Urlefric represents the pinnacle of human fitness potential, even in his crippled state. He is 7'6", and extremely lean and muscular. His physical abilities are far beyond a normal human due to his genetically modified bones, ligaments, and muscles. If he wasn't wheelchair bound, he would be able to lift a more than 1 ton, and sprint at 40 kmph for 10 minutes. He can easily bend thick steel plates with his bare hands.   When he is possessed by the Demon, his form becomes much more menacing, and he grows in size.

Body Features

Urlefric is missing his left leg from the knee down.

Identifying Characteristics

Long unkempt silver hair.

Special abilities

His genetics give him superhuman strength and endurance. When he becomes possessed by a Demon, his strengths are enhanced further, and he gains the ability to manipulate reality. The increase in his strength and power over reality is multiplied by the amount of Malice his Demonic parasite has absorbed from the world.   Demons have the ability to split into smaller ones. Ulefric uses this to his advantage, and gives certain loyal Humans (mostly his warrior berthren) fragmenets of the Demon, and they become slaves to his will, their bodies transformed into beasts designed to kill Tseibajeen.

Apparel & Accessories

white muscle shirt, and beige shorts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Urlefric, along with thousands of other Genomic Project soldiers was grown in a tube using the latest Genomic Project DNA. Growing up, they were all indoctrinated into the secret elite military organization of the Federation of Earth, where they were given the education, training, and discipline to be the strongest, smartest, and most loyal soldiers. He was taught to put the needs of Humanity first. As a soldier, Urlefric rose to the position of General. Since they were in times of peace, the most they would ever have to deal with was the occasional uprising on colony worlds.   However, everything changed when the Celestial Empire attacked. While Urlefric and his super soldiers could hold their own in ground combat, the rest of the military couldn't hold back the menace of the Celestial Empire. And since most combat took place in space or in orbit, it barely mattered how strong he was. They were able to hold off and delay the orbital bombing of the Human colonies on their planets. Urlefric never gave up, but the Federation of Earth did. The final order of the Federation of Earth to Ulefrics legion was to protect the ship of the governor of planet Zeus to the world of Kairothia. This would leave Zeus unprotected from the Celestial Empire potentially resulting in millions of civilian casualties. Urlefric was distraught by such a selfish order but followed orders anyways. The Celestial Empire was not kind to the humans who lived in the colonies. It is unknown how many (or how few) survive.   Urlefric, along with his surviving comrades arrived on Kairothia III as refugees, hoping to live a peaceful life. The few Human scientists on the planet welcomed them with open arms. Urlefric's biggest regret was following the orders, instead of fighting to his last dying breath.


Urlefric was given a military centric education growing up.


Urlefric was employed by the military for 30 years.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Urlefric rose to the position of General during his military service. He along with his comrades were responsible for saving millions of humans during the Human Celestial Conflict.

Mental Trauma

Urlefric's biggest regret was obeying orders to protect Johnson Vindicus, at the cost of the survival of the Human colonies. He believes that the honorable thing to do would have been to stand and fight to his final breath while they evacuated. He considers his injuries to be a part of his punishment.

Morality & Philosophy

Urlefrics believes in self-sacrifice for the greater good. However, his idea of the "greater good" is centric on the well-being of Humanity, and he doesn't care about Tseibajeen. In fact, he believes that ALL Tseibajeen are evil by nature, and that the whole species should face retribution. Given the chance to peacefully coexist, he would refuse. He becomes incredibly frustrated Raphaels belief in forgiveness and second chances, and his rejection of the idea that every Tseibajeen deserves to die.   His reasons for refusing to coexist with the Tseibajeen:
  • he holds the entire species responsible for the fall of humanity
  • if they were to coexist, their numbers would dwarf Humanity, and they would spend the rest of eternity playing second-fiddle to the much more numerous Tseibajeen race, living like rats.

Personality Characteristics


Urlefric is motivated by the need to protect the remnants of Humanity, and also the Kairothians who are their hosts on this world.

Likes & Dislikes


  • His fellow humans
  • Kairothians


  • Tseibajeen

Virtues & Personality perks

Vices & Personality flaws

Ulefric harbors an extreme hatred of the Tseibajeen species.
Circumstances of Birth
Ulefric was grown in a tube using the latest soldier genes from the Genomic Project.
long, silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Raphael... everything I have done has been for our protection! I made a promise 20 years ago; a promise to keep mankind safe."   "You don't seem to understand. They're evil. ALL of them. Every Tseibajeen from the moment it hatches from its slimy egg to the moment you choke the life out of them, is evil. They're disgusting creatures, and the galaxy would be better off without them. Do NOT stand in my way."   "I serve mankind."   "There's only one Human I've ever hated: Johnson Vindicus, the old governor of Zeus. Millions of Humans died because he valued his life over his people. He ordered my men and I to escort his ship to this world, leaving the evacuation ships defenseless against the Celestial onslaught. I suppose I'm partially to blame for obeying his commands."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Urlefric knows many human languages, including:
  • English
  • Cantonese
  • Punjabi
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • Russian
  • many more


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