Paghmuntah Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Paghmuntah (Par Muntar)

(Self styled) Warden of the Lake (Miasma) Paghmuntah (a.k.a. Pagh or Pag)

A child of the woodlands. Raised by Mixers of Erafin decent, Pagh is most comfortable alone (or with his pack) in the wildlands. Passionate and quick to anger, Pagh has no patience for fools, bullies or ignoble nobles. That said, given his profession, he has had much to do with others. Pagh has travelled widely and with a variety of groups. Pagh chooses his battles carefully and always for his own reasons, the care of his wildlands being primary. The mother of his now adult children and those children live in the wildlands, more reclusive than even he is. When spied in more “civilised” areas, Pagh is often scene in company with animal companions (often more than one, except that one time with the bear, but that’s a whole other tale). Most often his dogs though. It is rumoured that Pagh has been to the Old Lands and returned. Best not ask him about it though apparently.

Divine Domains

The Ten have influence over every domain in the lving world, all of Ashnoor is sacred in that sense.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Identifying Characteristics

A shock of white hair and beard would perhaps be his most identifying feature.

Special abilities

Skilled with a bow Pagh can pin or entangle people to the spot.

He also has a dead eye shot that when it works increases damage.

Apparel & Accessories

Tunic, breeches and boots basically. Pagh often wears a leather tabard style soft armour in cooler weather

A fur around his shoulders.

Usually seen wearing a brown leather helmet.

He has a hunting knife, small telescope and skinning knife.

Specialized Equipment

Bow and arrows.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised predominantly by a Mixer (elf origins) tribe in the Bardagan region, Pagh left during his early teens to study at the school of silent steps.
Pagh was a foundling, his birth, family and history is a mystery.
Pagh is widely travelled.


Pagh has no formal education, he can read at a rudimentary level at best and cannot write.
He can however, read the wilderness like a book.
Pagh has been educated in the wild predominantly, to be wild.

Completed training as a skirmisher attending the School of Silent Steps in Doomsayers Keep.


Pagh is self sufficient in his wilderness.
However, he does some work guarding trade groups, ocassionally fighting for a cause or general adventuring.

Accomplishments & Achievements

3 Adult children
5 growing Grand children.

Failures & Embarrassments

Pissing his pants upon encountering Erayax Woag as a young new out of school ranger.

Mental Trauma

First adventure to the north, into the "Old Lands".
Pagh was the only survivor.

Intellectual Characteristics

A Shrewd operator as he needs to be. Despite no formal education per se, only a genuine fool would take him for a fool...

Morality & Philosophy

A fiercely independent fellow, Paghmuntah is no follower of a faction, tribe or house. He has his ''connections" both in the wilds and in Doomsayer's.

He does not consider good versus evil very often and recognises the pragmatic nature of life.

Personality Characteristics


Pagh washes fairly often, it's easy enough living near the water and far away from so called civilisation - the water is still clean out here...

Divine Classification
Ten individual God/Goddesses
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Paghmuntah has no formal titles, he is locally known as the Warden of the Lake which he openly admits to spreading that title...

Warden of the Lake (Miasma - the self styled warden)

Date of Birth
Unknown - found near Bardaga River
Current Residence
Pagh resides with his spouse in the wilderness around Lake Miasma
Long, greying
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A few scars with stories to match
172 cm
78 kg
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

Bardagan dialect (similar to common in modern times)
  It is not at all widely known that Pagh can speak a broken version of the Erayax language.