Contested Lands Geographic Location in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Contested Lands

The often wild contested territories are home to a significant population. They're referred to in a wide variety of labels ranging from barbarian to wilders passing in the negative to free folk in the positive.

Whilst some may have 'leanings' from time to time - the "free folk" are generally not aligned to either major faction.

Doomsayers Keep is located in the Contested Lands.


The contested territories cover almost every geographical layout or feature there is, from desert to grassy plains, to hills, lakes, forests and tundra.

Some areas are sparsly populated whilst others are almost bustling and urban.

Some small 'duchys" for want of a better description have sprung up variously throughout the region, some are magnanimous in their dealings and, of course, others not.


A wild and diverse ecosystem populates the area known as the Contested Territories.

Just as the region is diverse in climate and geographical features, the ecosystem has responded to this.

Alternative Name(s)
The Wilds, Freelands, The Buffer (between the Erayax and civilisation),
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