Pelaphon Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Pelaphon (Peller fon)

God of The Deep – God of Sailors – God of the Dead (underworld), God of Honesty.
Pelaphon is most consistently depicted as an facsimile of a Kraken (or perhaps an actual Kraken) – Whilst there may be records about Pelaphon it is highly unlikely that he would be widely worshiped, presently at least, with no ocean going capacity presently he would generally be considered a somewhat pointless god by modern Ashnoorian standards. If the day should dawn again when Ashnoor becomes an ocean going nation again, Pelaphon may find a resurgence of influence again. For now, presumably, he sleeps.

Divine Domains

The Deepest of the deep oceans
The oceans.
Divine Classification
Current Location
The Ten
Aligned Organization