Werryne of the Leap Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Werryne of the Leap

Born in the shadow of Barbarian’s Leap, Werryne’s “magic” was evident at a very early age. He was sent to the mages enclave at age 5. His family and village had great hopes for his future, the first of them to be “great”. Werryne was gifted some sets of clothes to see him through to adult hood, some coins a quill and some paper. His village was neither wealthy nor overly literate – whilst these gifts may have seemed quaint to some, they held great meaning and were treasured by Werryne. Despite this optimistic beginning, Werryne did not become a mage. Unlike most though, he did not die, his “failure” was not strong enough to kill him. His inherent magic resistance was enough to save him. Werryne returned to his home, he climbed the Leap. He thence forth dedicated his training, his life, to hunting the magic users from the Hadovian Empire ranks, whilst protecting the Kingdom’s mages. He would in part be killing those who achieved that which he could not. One of Werryne’s first lessons was that his “failure” was no failure at all, he had survived that which killed most others, he had magic resistance, he had learned to read and write, and he learned his new trade swiftly being deft with a range of weapons and his spell deflection was blindingly fast, when he achieved it. Werryne went on from his training to a long and successful life, so far at least. He is fiercely loyal to his people (and the Kingdom by extension) so any perceived threat will excite his attention. Whilst he is generally amiable and a somewhat social chap, on his wrong side he is equally stern and unflinching, more than a few Hadovians have discovered this a bit too late. His children have grown and his wife has passed away. Werryne's days are once again spent completely devoted to his chosen role protecting his own and hunting enemy mages.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fairly robust despite a long life.

Special abilities

Weryne had quickly developed the skill of deflecting a mage's spells.

Of course not all spells can be deflected - Weryne proved deft however at those that could be.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the shadown of Barbarian's leap, latent magic resonation was detected at quite a young age.

As with other rare survivors who fail to learn to manage their ever increasing talent abilities - he was drawn to mage hunting since he had no future as a mage. He returned to the Leap to train with an elder of the guild and spent some decades in and around his home learning, training and serving.


During a relatively brief stay at a Mage guild college he was able to learn to read and write effectively enough. He learned enough about magic to assist him later in life combating it.


A loyal servant of the Kindom of Geldheim, employed variously throughout the Kingdom and, at times, abroad in the contested zones.

A deft mage hunter.

Accomplishments & Achievements

A tidy cache of mage trophies from defeated mages.

Two known duels in combat with an enemy knight and ravager defeating both.

Failures & Embarrassments

The battle of Tenar in 1257

Morality & Philosophy

Despite a rough demeanour, Weryne has a high moral standard he lives by, Albeit often challenged whilst in battle.

He philosophically considers his great flaw. He also ponders that he might not be alone in that consideration.
Current Location
Date of Birth
24 Soeyre
Date of Death
28 Bardaga
1195 AE 1257 AE 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in battle.
Barbarian's Leap
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A ruddy complexion
172 cms
83 kg

Articles under Werryne of the Leap