Kaladaan Ship's Log - Minstrel

Ship's Log - Minstrel



The skies begin to darken from the north and the seas grow turbulent, almost counter to wind and current

The change was abrupt - we'd had fair winds, fairer weather and clear skies since the unfortunate storm.

Lookouts had maintained a keen eye out the the east and south east for any sign of the missing ship, Jubilant or Amphion the Sloop searching for her.

The sudden change though shifted focus in an instance.
The skies ahead of us, away north had blackened and, even though it were midday, the skies above also grew dark. So rapid was the change some of the more superstiscious crew began speaking of end of days - this was rapidly quelled by the burley bosum - Neiven.

Eyes turned to the Windsong for direction, signals were clear, stay on station, maintain heading.

In truth, it was a damnably curious thing, ocean currents should have assisted us, and the wind, still blowing from the south west - both should have been assisting our journey. These inexplicably turbulent seas though were disconcerting to say the least.
We rode out the storm, or whatever it was and did indeed maintain station fairly well. All ship's in view. Still no sign though of Jubilant or Amphion.

Three days of darkness and unpredictable wind and waves settled with a ruddy glowing sky on the dawn of the fourth day. And an uncertain shout of land ahead.
Commander Elowin Drang
Captain Brig Minstrel