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The Tailory

The Tailory is an elite organization composed of the Emperor of Elnemora's personal servants, known as Tailors. Little else about them is known to the general public, however it is known that the highest ranking position in the Tailory is Grand Tailor, and that in as many capacities as are meaningful, the Grand Tailor acts as advisor, strategist, and administrator on behalf of the Emperor.


The internal administrative structure of the Tailory is a closely guarded secret, however, speculation is that those recruited to the Tailory serve a number of years in an apprentice capacity until they either leave (in the case of nobles offered the privilege of joining), disappear, or graduate to full Tailors. It is not known precisely what process is used to determine the Grand Tailor's successor, although again many believe the Grand Tailor mentors their successor directly in the lead-up to their retirement or death.


The Tailory is a great patron of the arts, often serving as the driving force behind public functions such as plays, operas, and other theatrical endeavours. Tailors' skills as actors are renowned the world over. Tailors often speak in half-truths, being masters of manipulation, and formidable legal/magical scholars in their own right. As the name would suggest, some Tailors also create wondrous works of fashion, spearheading trends and embodying the cutting edge of weave-enhanced looks.   Whatever their chosen profession, each and every Tailor offers wider society only a feeble glimpse into themselves. They may be wildly extroverted, or keep to themselves, but everything about a Tailor is presentationally coherent and kept. A hidden under-current of self-discipline contaminates every aspect of their lives.

Public Agenda

In all things, the Tailory follows the Imperial Mandate, enforces it, and serves to maintain order and beaty in Elnemora.   The principles the Tailory espouses are truth carefully massaged and cured of all ugliness. Why should life be filled with unpleasantness if instead it can be made to cause ecstatic wonderment?


Imperial Treasury   Imperial Guard   The Tailory (Building)


Founded in the 10th year of the Era of Strife.

Partinaax Voxxaan ~ Servants of All / Everything Serves

Founding Date
10th Year of the Era of Strife (According to legend)
Secret, Government
Alternative Names
Weavers / Spiders' Den / The Strings
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Parent Organization
Official Languages

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