
Halteri is only a Fallen City by technicality. Smaller than even normal cities Halteri simply holds the title of a Fallen City due to old Torvish Politics and the fact that it controls the flow of the great Halteri River, which supply water and fertile soil for a large swath of land. It does this by being split between two ends of the river over a waterfall, where a large dam/bridge connects the two parts.   The city used to have a strict ban on magic inside its walls, but this law has since been removed since the Black Paladins have taken control of the city.    They also host the “Black Paladins”, a break off order of the Paladins who rely less on the service to a god and more on their usage of emotions. Their main Order Hall is in Halteri.   The city has fallen on tough times in the last two decades, as during the Year of the Dragon an undead plague nearly wiped out the city and all of its inhabitants. It was only due to the intervention of Jayllin Tano and Nemeia Wise that the city was saved.    After the year of the dragon the city has been trying to rebuild itself, but has failed to truly establish itself again. The small city has become mostly a fortress for The Black Paladins and their attendants and aids, who in turn lord over the nearby towns and cities of the nation with a light touch. This, combined with pressure from the nearby resurgentBalmoth has many wondering about the future of the city.

Demography and Population

The small population is mostly made up of craftsmen, fishermen, and military. Pretty standard feudal kingdom with nobles at the top and everyone else below. 90% Human, 5% Half-Orc, 5% other.


Halteri controls the rolling temperate plains around it, as well as the flood planes around the top of the Halteri river. It's not a heavily populated area, mostly made up of farm land.


The Halteri military is very horse based and small, using small and fast numbers to deter invaders and bandits. They are aided by the Black Paladins in time of crisis.


While the Black Paladins follow a different ideology than the normal Church of the Mantle, many people in Halteri follow the broad strokes or similar ideas.

Foreign Relations

Ever since the near destruction of Halteri the city has been one surrounded with pity and support. The only exception is Balmoth, who gives aid but seems to have an interest in finally doing away with Halteri and absorbing it.    Otherwise Halteri has a generally neutral relationship with its neighbors.

Agriculture & Industry

Halteri feeds itself with the large amount of farmland surrounding the city and in their territory. Raw materials for construction and industry are more rare however.


The Black Paladins and their attendant clerics and priests will often teach locals for free, though the teachings often are concentrated on religion with everything else secondary.


Halteri infrastructure is robust and functional in the city and the cities and towns around it. And its roads are plain, but well patrolled by Halteri riders.
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Ever since the Year of the Dragon, the grandmaster of The Black Paladins has taken on the role of national leader.
Judicial Body
Local Black Paladin halls have taken on the role as judges.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations