The Conquest of the Gallows Isle

Gallows Isle had been a thorn in the side of the western coast of Kalin for generations. But it was still a surprise when the Tharrisian Senatus declared that the island would be conquered in the name of the Fallen City.   Once war was declared though, it was almost a foregone conclusion. The Gallows Isle had the innate defense of being a naval power due to the united pirates, but the full might of Tharrisia being brought to bear on them like a foreign nation would be nearly unstoppable. Things went bad for the pirates at the offset with the Tharrisian fleet managing to create beachhead on the isle, and things only got worse as the immense logistics line was established between Singlar and the beachhead.   The pirates fought a losing land war for a few brief months before retreating to The Gallows and deciding to risk it all in all out fight with the Tharrisian Navy. This battle went against them when Pouton showed up with its navy, overwhelming the pirates and sending them to the four winds.   Tharrisia would immediately begin to colonize the Isle, and begin its transformation into a Colonia of Tharrisia while the pirates that remained would sail south and harass Heldir for nearly a year before their eventual defeat at the hands of the Ithali navy.

The Conflict


No one particularly liked the pirates of Gallows Isle, they merely accepted them as the conquest and destruction of the pirates seemed as if it would be too hard a task, all things considered. However, at the urging of the White Dragon Aenophentari the rising Tharrisian political star Sernita Verro of the Vittoria political party successfully pushed through a vote to destroy the pirates of the isle and take it in the name of Tharrisia. No nation argued with the deceleration, as no one would defend the pirates.

The Engagement

The Tharrisian's successfully batted away the small set of ships on the island's northern coast and managed to establish a beachhead, at which point the pirates began to prepare their defenses. However, the meager defenses of disorganized pirates proved to be ineffectual against the combined efforts of the Tharrisian legions, and soon the ground war became a matter of merely trading pirate lives for very little time.   The pirates decided to stage an all out naval battle with Tharrisia to try and drive them off and destroy their logistics train from Singlar, but were defeated by the arrival of the Poutonese navy.   What ships and pirates weren't killed or captured during that battle or the last advances of the legions fled on their ships, trying to escape Tharrisia's onslaught.


Tharrisia would immediately begin settling the island and debating a replacement name. It would also become a naval port for the soon to start Tharrisian War. The pirates in the meantime scattered briefly before uniting and launching an all out assault on Heldir's coastline.


The pirates were eventually finally destroyed by the Ithalin during the subsequent Tharrisian War, truly scattering them to the far corners of the sea. What pirates remain now settle in small enclaves and ports, and even then Kalin enjoyed nearly 5 years of essentially pirate free sailing until small groups managed to compose themselves enough to begin piracy in earnest again.   As for the Gallows Isle itself, it was renamed to Risanare Isle after the Tharrisian War, when it became clear that Tharrisia would get to keep it. The island had suffered a military raid by the Ithali Navy in an effort to destroy a magical beacon on the island that blocked sending magics, but the island itself had not been heavily settled by that time. Now the pirate history of the island can still be seen in some of its remaining architecture, but the influence of the pirate culture is all but completely gone from the island.
Start Date
Summer Lumena 16th, 755 2A
Ending Date
Winter Suthan 19th, 755 2A
Conflict Result
Tharrisian Victory