Jess Horig Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Jess Horig


Brief History
Jess is an odd one, born of a dwarven father and human mother - it was a surprise when she came into the world purple. But she knows only love from them and her father beams proudly from ear to ear as he watches her work away at the forge. She naturally followed in her fathers footsteps and is now the apprentice forge master of Horig's Hammer the local blacksmith here in Tobost.
Jess has always been headstrong in her pursuits except for love, she has always had an eye for the strong and noble Tasha St Rose but not quite the courage to ask, but who knows maybe this summer things will be different.

Personality in brief description
A quiet and reserved Tiefling, she can speak for hours on metallurgy, smithing and the process of forging. But she finds few others with a similar passion. For her it's smithing or fishing. If you have an interest in one of these then she'll have quite an interest in you.

Their appearance
She is around 5ft 6' tall, deep purple skin, black eyes and long flowing black hair with 2 large horns that curl upwards. She has little body fat and is very muscular especially for a Tiefling. She wears a set of well made leathers and a white undershirt that try as she might always has a soot mark on it somewhere. She also has a pair of steel workers gloves that were a gift from her father. Lastly you can find odd little intricately made trinkets that curl around her horns and ears and she is always with her trusty hammer that has a little ruby heart in the side of it.

What they sound like
She speaks with a soft Russian accent and always speaks warmly about work, but shyly about most else.

What they smell like
She smells of brimstone, coal and ash.
Current Location
Current Residence
Ruled Locations