Horig's Hammer Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Horig's Hammer

Brief History
Horig's Hammer has been the proud establishment of Gwengarth Horig and now his daughter Jess Horig, Gwengarth only had interest in building practical armaments, weapons and daily supplies but Jess has now taken the Horig name to a new height with her lightweight, slim line battle designs that are both strong and nimble.

Location description
Horigs Hammer is set near the centre of town with a large single storey bluestone house and the clay iron forge is attached beside it, with a small plume of white smoke and a deep amber glow that can be seen from the windows. There is an iron hammer out the front of the main door that is lodged in the ground with the words "Horig's Hammer & Daughter" etched in the side of it.

What you hear
The heavy clang of steel on steel with the occasional word in dwarvish being yelled over the loud ruckus that is being made from the forge.

What smells come from it
The intense heat is the first thing that billows forth from the entrance, but with each expulsion of heat comes an odd smell of iron, sweat and sweets

What it looks like inside
Inside you see sets of armour fitted to mannequins, a wall of finely made swords of varying lengths and weights, a small door that leads off to the main house chambers and from here the strong aroma of sweet bread. Panning the other way the amber glow of the forge Jess and Gwengarth hammering away and yelling lovingly at each other as they both critique and applaud the others work and a large central iron counter that sits between the public and the work.

Who is inside
Gwengarth and Jess are at the forge while Faelissa her mother is attending the store and helping a halfling pick out a sword as a gift.
Parent Location