Lepidoptera House of Pray Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Lepidoptera House of Pray

Brief History
The second building to be found within Fissidens Falls, it's home to the many spiritual butterflies that reside within it's domed and brambled construction.

Location description
A weaving of large brambles covered in moss, with a translucent bubble like structure that fills the large spaces between each of the winding brambles. You can see inside 100's of butterflies of all different colours fluttering about.

What you hear
You hear nothing but a small running stream that seems to spiral in one end and out the other and if you listen closely enough the occasional rustle of a breeze as it dances across the moss on the bramble.

What smells come from it
It smells of strong floral perfumes, and a light smell of decomposition.

What it looks like inside
Inside is a spectacular array of beautifully coloured butterflies, brambles course their way through the ground with beautiful blue and gold flowers that seem to spiral across them. A trickle of water seems to enter one end of the dome snake around and then exit through the other side.

Who is inside
This is a sacred site among those in the grove, many a member can be found spending time here.
Parent Location