Tranquillam Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil


Brief History
The Tranquillam is the remnants of the original founding tree of the grove, a gift of mother, Melora, the Wild Mother It stands still and strong as a testament to the ever lasting faith of the Wild Mother and the cycle of life.

Location description
A tall and vast husk of an incredibly old tree that would date back many many eons before the recorded histories of Kaomora. Now the interior is home to The Grove and those who are welcomed within it's embrace. Lichen, Moss and a myriad of mushrooms grow within the tree, providing sustenance and it's own ecosystem. It's ashy wood a signature colour that occasional shows between the multiple layers of moss and fungus that grow on it, it stands a strong 300ft high and at least 100ft wide. While some would consider it's statue as squat, The Wild Mother must have shaped it to one day house he most devout disciples.

What you hear
From within a soft and occasional groan and creak as the branches shift, the sound of prayer from the members of the Grove and the hum and chitter of insects that crawl around the interior.

What smells come from it
The smell of earth, moss and a sweet rotting smell permeate throughout the twisting platforms

What it looks like inside
Inside a twisting natural staircase connects the different levels from within, a large central well sits at the base of the tree with a beautiful display of moss lining the banks and a small twisted bride over the middle, curling up the levels new growth and vibes weave around the old stairs and coves extend off each level to different rooms.

Who is inside
This is the home and sleeping quarters to The Groves many members.
Parent Location