Rhys Eldred Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Rhys Eldred

Aarakocra Brief History
Rhys has adopted Tobost as his new clutch, he cares deeply for the education and upbringing of the children of the town and has set up a local Eldred Academy of Applied Arts. Not much is known of Rhys previous to his arrival at Tobost. He speaks very little of it except at times to Conor McCambridge when he makes a rare appearance to the Academy.

Personality in brief description
Rhys is a warm and welcoming character should you have the interest in education or a good story to tell. He will not tolerate liars or people trying to bribe or grease their way into his library.

Their appearance
He is tall and slender with white plumage that fades to a grey at the ends, he wears a set of finely tailored scholars robes that are a dazzling blue with green inlay, an old gold pendant with an emerald in it and he has a small pouch of tea that is always on his belt

What they sound like
He has worked very hard over many years to reduce the squawking that often befalls his kind but his voice is often seen as scratchy and whistly

What they smell like
He smells of herbs, old books and the flowers that are found around the Academy
Current Location
Current Residence