Eldred Academy of Applied Arts Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Eldred Academy of Applied Arts

Brief History
Rhys realised there was a hole in the system of Tobost, children learnt from their parents or from other trades within the town. But what of those who wished for more, or potentially those who wanted to learn more advanced methods of their current craft? Well here at the Eldred Academy for a small fee you too can push your boundaries and become more.

Location description from afar
The Eldred Academy sits on the eastern side of town, the roof tiles are coloured in a vibrant display to signal possibility in the minds of those who look upon it. It is a simple two story Tudor building with two chimneys on each end and a hanging baskets filled with flowers that swing gently in the breeze

What you hear
You can hear students asking questions and the flickering of pages and feet shuffling across the floor.

What smells come from it
A smell of old books, flowers and dust wafts around the rooms from within

What it looks like inside
Inside there are rows of desks to one side with a small board with odd scrawling's across it, a large oak counter with two ink quills and a neatly stacked set of papers and a section of 6 rows of books that are set behind a long blue velvet rope. There are small fire places at each end of the building and a spiral staircase behind the counter that leads to the second floor

Who is inside
You see three young halfling boys reading through a set of blue books, an older dwarven male with a furrowed brow looking through some deeper more complex reading and the proprietor Rhys Eldred sitting at the counter thumbing through some paperwork.
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