Session 40 Report in Kaomora | World Anvil

Session 40

General Summary

Where you went
Ruby Stone House
Lunar sands Flea
Needle & Point
Har'trel's Fine Instruments

Who you met
Kiggorlug Ruby-Ratchet
Shtiegvarr Chester
Hogni Horfison

What happened
Posey prepared for the Trials doing a rigorous workout
Bomush joined Velouria in the second class of yoga
Had cereal and dried meat which Bomush loved everyone else not so much
Tried to ask Kigorlugg for one of his prized possessions (rubies) he wasn't giving them up for free.
Amberjack got a Masquerade Tattoo
Shtiegvarr Chester made a deal for two lifewell tattoos in exchange for the return of his son Calista got a lesson in art
Dorian purchased his Violin
Found out that the Irons tied were after you
Found out why they were after you
Tried to draw a false version of the schematics which they'd exchange for 1,000gp but they discovered they were false
They are now pissed and want to take them by force

Plot line progress
Swirly lines and straight to the point - The retrieval of the Schematics

Plot lines to follow
  Main Quests
Velorias Mummy issues - The Mummy Lord and the Soul Sunder Weapon
Pronia and her Paranoia - the Sphynx in the sands
How to fix a broken mind - Lianthorn
How to fix a broken heart - Olistar
Dorian's Mortal Instruments and where to find them
The Dorian Effect - How to help Nerdalye
Ceeping up with the Canniths - Where is Clovis and what is she up to?
Beware the Daughter of the Sea - ABJ's Omega problem
  Side quests I DON'T WANT TO BE RED - Calista and her complicated puberty
I'll walk through Heldren and back to get a Lifewell Tattoo - finding Heldren Chester for Shtiegvarr Chester
The Trials of the sands - Posey Vs the Slaves
Cry me a river - the Aftermath of the Blazing Lady Festival - Find Justine Timber-Snake
The Rue's Sandstom... A man still waiting for the return of his wife
Whats up with Fatoz Finigal ?

Report Date
16 Apr 2021