02 - Old Reds' Hazy Herring Smoke-site

Stationary Mobile Campsite & Fish Shack

Initially established to provide a smoke-screen for folk visiting the Old Fortum Burrow, 'Old Red' has built a reputation for helping those who become disoriented in the Shelterwood and for his incredible smoked herring that he is always willing to share in exchange for an audience who'll listen to his tales.

The exodus of elves from Clavier in 3264NC left many single elves without anywhere to go and several remembered the Burrow. Knowing that the city would find some way to strike back against their departure, a loose agreement among elves was made to protect the community from outsiders first-and-foremost. Any misgivings among them would be handled in due time but they agreed that they would not be used by outsiders. In service to this goal an older Fortum elf suggested they create a diversion that could serve as a sort of scout that would serve as the primary source of information about the surface. Thus, 'Old Red' was spoken into existence and the elf who initiated the discussion became him.
The original concept was that 'Old Red' would move his camp periodically and cause a small disturbance when settling in a new region. This would draw the attention of anyone or anything nearby and hopefully distract from the Burrow. Old Red actually did move his camp regularly for nearly 100 years but then decided his reputation had grown enough that he could actually do his job better if he stayed in one place. Setting up near a river he began refering to his campsite as the hazy herring smoke-site. He still roamed the woods nearby, sometimes spending several days away from his permanent campsite but always returning within a month and spending at least as long returned again.
He often uses the smell of smoked meats and sometimes even literal smoke signals to attract any attention his way. His camp is in a natural clearing among old maplewood trees. A large canvas tent for smoking fish with a 4ft-long, rectangular firepit stoked with herbs and wet maplewood to produce a tantalizing scent that can be followed from miles away. There's also a very welcoming firepit with several comfortable-looking seats made from tree stumps to make visitors comfortable while they eat and Old Red regails them with whatever cover-story he agreed to spread for the folk from the Burrow.
There's also a single structure built 20ft off the forest floor in a large maple tree near the main campsite. After so many years of service in his role, Old Red finally called in a favor from the Burrows and asked them for the resources to build himself a treehouse. They stepped up and helped him build the small room to exquisite standards and a druid blessed it with holly to keep wild animals from ever entering.
"Old Red is probably the only person on Allegri who has more of others' secrets than his own. Aside from me, of course.
— Nariman Zandos, Explorer
Permanent Camp
Parent Location


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