
Logging & Forestry Settlement

Named after the surrounding timberland from which this small settlement grew, the Shelterwood timberlands sourround Clavier and are where the majority of the Clavier Maplewood is grown.


The majority of the residents are Fortum elves who feel more connected to their ancestry by living outside the metropolis of Clavier, especially among the tree-tending druids. There are nearly no family units in the village since individuals usually move to the area for either the isolation or the pay. Those who make the move for financial reasons tend to be younger folk looking to pad their pockets for a future back in the capital whereas those interested in the solitude their profession provides are a varied group from any concievable heritage or background that tend to remain in the region even after they retire from logging.


The village of Shelterwood is essentially in a green belt surrounding Clavier and is directly governed by the capital. Those who live there are still considered Clavii by the government even though many who live long-term in Shelterwood hardly think of the city and perfer to consider themselves as living in the shires and outside the governmental structure.

Industry & Trade

The majority of folk living in Shelterwood are foresters and lumberjacks. One of the few permanent settlements across Allegri that doesn't have a strong defensive wall or significant daily resources focused on defesnes, they host a strong garrison of guards from Clavier to protect the important government buildings; the town hall and the three lumber mills that provide the valuable lumber required by the city.

Natural Resources

Completely surrounded by woodlands, the people of Shelterwood are the caretakers of the Clavier maplewood trees that are forested as a renewable resource for the entire region. There is a healthy blend of vital plantlife within each sector divided among the caretakers and druids that tend the area and they ensure that the ecosystem is strong and balanced within a natural range so their cultivation is more stable than in a closed system that cannot accomodate outside influences.
Permanent logging & forestry camp


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