WC1 - Old Fortum Burrow

Nestled in the farthest north-eastern corner of the Shelterwood, this ancient elven burrow has been converted into a quaint, and debaucherous little trading post and inn. Hidden from the nearby city, these outlaw elves have taken great pains to ensure they are not accidentally discovered by a wayward maplewood forester or Clavian ranger tracking a beast. They have successfully evaded widespread discovery for nearly a thousand years while providing valuable entertainment for the regional elves looking for such kinds of fun.
Abandoned for longer than can be dated, this venerable burrow-city was most recently discovered by Fortum outlaws looking for independence from Clavier. Although the outlaws who found the entrance couldn't find a way to use it at the time, the secret knowledge of it was dispersed among various elven communities and became a 'common secret' that the human citizens were never aware of. This included Fortum religious communities that had been side-lined or monetized by the overwhelming culture presence of the humans. Many people with a spiritual or magical connection with nature were looking for freedom to practice their beliefs away from those who would exploited them.
Eventually the Fortum elves of Clavier reached a breaking point and although it took 1,200 years, in the fall of 3264NC the discontented elves organized a walk-out in protest the discrimination they faced. Entirely caught by surprise the ruling nobles of the time could do nothing to stop nearly 60% of the elven population from walking out. Most who left their homes that morning never returned to Clavier. The majority traveled together and turned up again in one of the other Allegran capitals but an entire generation of young elves had been disenchanted by humans and wanted to reestablish their own culture, away from the aggressive and chaotic human influence.
Over the years the Fortum elves here have occassionally come in contact with peaceful demi-humans from somewhere outside Clavier, possibly even from Kriio or another continent entirely. They do not speak or understand the human language of Cadence, they do seem to travel with individuals who speak an archaic dialect of Goblin that allows laboured communitcation without resorting to spells or arcana. Much like the location of Old Fortum, tales of these people are kept strictly within the community and even the elves who do occassionally return to Clavier never discuss any 'elf business' among humans who haven't earned the right to be trusted.


The population living here is completely elven with Fortum elves comprising 97% of that. No strict government or infrastructure has kept an exact count impossible but estimates among the leadership believes there are 4,000-5,000 elves living in the countless homes and structures excavated by an unknown civilization thousands of years before the Fortum began exploring the continent now called Allegri.
Trade post
Location under
Date Settled
This article has no secrets.


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