04 - Cog Hall


The 06 - Eiyudi have lived in their underground homes for centuries, hiding from the Storm that they believe chased them across the Portrood Ocean, and have kept to themselves every time they've encountered another intelligent species. Most of their buildings are dug into the cavern wall of their subterranean sanctuary but their town hall is the central landmark that represents the most to the citizens of Podrost. Built from the salvaged components of the first ships that carried the original refugees across the ocean to escape the Storm, this massive ship now it serves not only as a practical and important building but also as an important monument to their lost past and as a symbol of their resilience and capacity to literally weather any storm together.
  The majority of ships what survived crossing the ocean were cogs therefore it makes sense that the entire building has the overall appearance of massive sailing vessel.

Purpose / Function

The survivors that crossed the ocean in cargo ships were not scholars or politicians. Mostly they were sailors and people who lived on or near the metropolitan beaches and docks. So when it came time to regroup and take stock of who, and what, they had to work with it only seemed logical to base their new lives on what they already knew worked; nautical tradition.
A handful of civic-minded citizens stepped forward to help bridge any needs that could arise with the new system and soon there were homes, farmers, and burgeoning commerce. However, with their strange new independence it seemed like people after a few years the population was becoming so decentralized that the Captain decided the crew needed a ship. He went out and scavenged for any wreckage he could find and hauled the hull of his old ship into the middle of town.
He announced that he was rebuilding his ship and anybody who wanted to help him crew her would have hard work and good pay ahead. And that was all it took for the hundreds of scattered survivors to come wandering back to the wreckage of the ships that saved them. The scavenged material was repurposed into a new cog, the same model as the original but twice as large. On the outside she was a landlocked ship that would likely never see the open waters, but inside was the hope of maybe one day taking this ship and returning home, across the ocean and spit in the eye of the Storm.
Alternative Names
Homeship, Cog-glomerate,
Parent Location
Ancient wreckage


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