WC1 - Tiderunners

There are those who do the jobs that need to be done and then there are those who find a way to make it spectacular!
The tiderunners aren't a typical crew of folks but there is no denying they've taken a task that was somehow simultaneously boring and dangerous and turned it into an event that can draw a crowd. Hundreds of Eiyudi attend and cheer as their favorite champions outrace their cultural enemy, the Storm, and other tiderunners for the privledge of providing food and other resources for their community.
The entire coastline of western Allegri is perpetually beaten by a mystical storm, the Storm if you haven't caught on yet, and it has made survival difficult for the refugees. The Eiyudi people believe that they were somehow punished and driven out of their homeland as though the Storm were some kind of malevolent entity, when in truth they have no evidence of intelligent design. That doesn't stop them from bestowing negative traits to it and taunting the Storm during the few hours of daylight they get every few days.
After it was decided which areas were safest during a Storm and how to handle the oceans moods, and how they affected the other, the Captain began organizing a new kind of crew. One that would work together to weather the Storm and recover any wreckage she leaves behind. Primarily wanting to stabilize the ongoing food crisis, the Captain believed that the strange crabs could be a tool that would support their way of life. The Captain also joked that they would take as much from the Storm as it had taken from them. Intending this to be regarding the crabs that litered the shoreline after a storm receeds with the tide, some of the more adventurous took it as a challenge.
During their practice one spouse sat nearby and watched, to support their nervous wife. The town was still only six months old and there was lots of work that needed to be done but once people saw someone publicly doing something for pleasure a small group gathered rather quickly. In a matter of minute the gaggle of folk were all socializing and making jokes for the first time since setting sail and fleeing their homeland.
The following day, the Captain set into motion an order to build an arena where the newly named 'tiderunners' would train and it would also be a place where the townsfolk could gather for celebrations. It didn't take any arguing and soon there were dozens of athletic and inventive Eiyudi petitioning the Captain for membership on the crew. Before a full year had passed on their new continent, the tiderunners had already begun to inspire other survivors and centuries later they're still an influential and flamboyant crew who look after their teammates, provide a vital food to the growing population, and not only entertain but also uplift others.

Major organizations

The practice of 'tiderunning' is so simple that there have never been any conflicts regarding which tiderunner was most successful. The issue, however, was with managing the people. It would've been inevitable that a spectator was injured if not for the Captain once again taking command and forming an organization that would go on to provide support for the tiderunners and the Eiyudi fans.
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