07 - Holy Fleeing Goblorcs!


During the First Goblin War there were more casualties than just the goblins and orcs that went to war with Etude. There were countless tribes and families of nomadic orcs and forest dwelling goblins that were hunted down by human armies as retribution for the aggression of their kin. The humans were mostly at a disadvantage in the wild compared to the gorc hunters and rangers but their numbers and tenacity outmatched their prey more often than naught.
Those who survived early encounters with the human armies fled mainly west to put as much distance from the city itself as they could. As they went, they warned other kin and thier numbers grew. Not every goblorc uprooted themselves or their community at first but the ruthlessness of the humans grew as the years went on and by spring 759NC it was believed that there were no surviving orcs or goblins on the eastern side of Allegri.
Initially the Eiyudi tried to remain hidden from the orc and goblin horde that had arrived at their borders. Unfortunately that didn't last due to the metaphysical nature of the orc religion and their captivation with the white sand beaches. For unknown reasons, the spiritual leadership of the goblorc horde became driven by the belief that the pristine shores of the Dark Coast were to become their new home. They did not respond well when they discovered their new refuge was already inhabited by strangers.
The orcs were already primed for a fight after struggling to stay ahead of the human armies that hunted them. With only a couple reports to base their strategy on, they what magic they could muster to their advantage to drive the Eiyudi back from the coast to their defensive tunnels where hundreds of orcs and goblins drowned when the tide rose and couldn't reach the surface from their deep pursuit of the strange humanoids that now harried them.

The Conflict


Aside from a few strange encounters with fey, the Eiyudi had no direct interaction with any other humanoids since arriving on the shores of Allegri. Although their histories had tales of ancient races of demi-humans there were no surviving records or scholars. They had no idea what they were looking at when the first orcs came screaming across the shores. Eventually the two groups found peace and over centuries the culture has nearly grown into a single species with a single way of life.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date


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