Allegran West Coast

Tumultuous intertidal region beaten by intense storms

This wide swath of coast is largely considered uninhabitable due to the sudden and savage storms that frequently blow in from beyond the Portrood Ocean. The seasonal storms that blow in from the ocean bring unpredictable dangers that can transform the coast for days in every direction and often blanket entire regions with spectacular and horrific features.

Allegran Government

As their charter claims the entire continent, this portion of Allegri does theorhetically belong to the human government. No attempt has ever been made to settle or otherwise exploit the coast due to the inherent difficulties that would be involved. Thusfar the entire region has been of no interest to the Allegran government and never been considered as anything but useless space that serves as a convenient barrier between the mainland and the constant storms that batter the entire coastline.


Commonly referred to as The Dark Coast, this long stretch of land is routinely pounded by hard rain, hurricane winds, and violent hailstorms. Most of the coast consists of steep bluffs that nearly disappear at high-tide and allow the weather deeper access to the mainland before it withdraws and pulls everything it can back into the ocean with it as it does. The nearby inland is littered with centuries of debris thrown from the ocean and only the hardiest grass or brush can grow on this rocky, rain-beaten soil.
At low-tide the bluffs reveal their truest danger; beautiful beaches of pristine opalescent sand and mists that throw rainbow auroras reflecting off the slick stone bluffs.
As categorized by the Allegran government, the west coast begins at the south-western edge of the Reidsole mountain range and stretches the entire western coast of Allegri until being curtailed at the southern edge of Allegri where it's curtailed by an inlet that leads to the peculiar Capriccio region. This natural inlet provides a barrier against the weather and seems to prevent most of the storms from venturing futher south.
The Allegran west coast is constantly blanketed in hurricane-like weather from the storms that roll in from across the ocean. While under observation by notable modern scholar, Nariman Zandos, it was noted over the course of several months that the clouds never seemed to fully clear for more than a few minutes at a time. Even during the most peaceful weather, gusting winds and sudden temperature drops made outdoor living feel like a burden rather than his usual sense of freedom and gleeful natural appreciation.
  The coast north leading north into the Reidsole mountains is most often called the Northern Coast of Allegri.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dark Coast, Hurricane Coast, Portrood Coast
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