WC2 - Living Tunnels

he Eiyudi people have successfully survived living underground for centuries but even to them the bewildering maze of tunnels and chutes are still entirely inexplicable. Originally located several days further inland from their largest settlement, the Captain of Podrost Town has issued an outright ban on exploring the region. Quoted as saying "Strange things happen to folk who spend time in those tunnels." the Captain hasn't elaborated but in recent years there have been sudden disappearances and civil disruption in the town from time-to-time that could *possibly* be linked to what he might be referring to.
Unfortunately it was discovered several months ago that the specific plants and ecosystem that surrounds the region has spread significantly closer while unobserved over several years. A group of foragers were a days travel from town when they felt an unusually strong wind that was heavy with a damp and earthy scent. Since they were already in the region they took some notes and returned home to tell of the encroaching landscape.
The tunnels they knew well seemed to be growing like inverted roots to invisible trees. The foragers were reliable witnesses and they all agreed that some invisible force is burrowing through the earth and moving towards the coast. It would still be years before the tunnels would reach them if it continues at the current pace so they are making plans to gather more information and how to do so safely.


Roughly characterized by 100-200ft. patches of solid stone with 3-9ft. diameter tunnels that stab out in a straight direction, sometimes for days. Every 500-700ft. there is an open area lush with colourful plantlife and the supporting ecosystem. These 'islands' often appear to be natural subterranean caverns as opposed to the tunnels that have relatively smooth sides regardless of the characteristics of the surrounding stone.
Cave System
Location under
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