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Delzeena (Dell-ZEE-nuh)

Jhea'Dilannani Delzeena

The first ten-and-a-half years of Delzeena's life have been extremely difficult. Orphaned as an infant, she's been homeless as long as she can remember. Her parents' names, faces, and fates are lost in the blur of time. She's one of many homeless in the capital, but that's little consolation when she has to sleep in an abandoned school and everything she owns fits in an old backpack. A lesser soul would have lost its spark a long time ago under such terrible conditions, but Delzeena is a fighter. Through it all she's kept her spirit, fending for herself against a cruel world where eating is a luxury and freezing to death is a very real possibility.   She has no family, no friends, no home...but some frightening enemies. For reasons she doesn't understand, a teenage Vincaran named Xorax has been threatening her, stalking in the shadows and waiting for the opportunity to carry out his dark plan, whatever that might be. Delzeena has to keep her wits about her at all times to keep out of harm's way, for although there are many things about Xorax she doesn't know, one thing is certain: he's a very dangerous person.   Delzeena knows that somewhere there are girls with families, homes, fancy dresses, full stomachs and no worries. She also knows that, barring a miracle, she has no hope of ever becoming one of them.  
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Never count out a miracle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As might be expected from her situation, Delzeena is seriously underweight. Her skin is dry and chapped, and her hair is plagued with split ends.

Body Features

Her hair is dark brown and her skin is a deep turquoise.

Physical quirks

She finds it very hard to stay in one place when she's anxious and is prone to pacing.

Apparel & Accessories

Her clothes are threadbare, torn, fraying and mismatched.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orphaned at less than a year old, Delzeena was taken to an orphanage in Shalanera. Due to financial difficulties, the orphanage closed its doors several years later. There the paper trail ends, but somehow Delzeena ended up on the streets.




Basically none. She reads at about a first grade level.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Staying alive on her own for a decade.

Mental Trauma

Having grown up on the streets, Delzeena has seen some seriously awful things: violent crime and debauchery of all kinds, as well as the horrors of people just like her starving and freezing to death.

Morality & Philosophy

After having the backpack with all her worldly possessions stolen, she refuses to put anyone else through that. While she will never steal from other individuals, on rare occasions she will take food or other essentials from stores.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Her favorite color is purple.

Vices & Personality flaws

She uses profanity more than someone her age should, and her temper has a pretty short fuse.


About as good as can be expected for someone without access to a shower and toiletries.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4217 14 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Only child of Dilanna and Lonzan; her mother died from what were assumed at the time to be complications of giving birth (the sinister truth didn't come out until a decade later)
dark brown
straight, long, dark brown
Known Languages
Her native tongue is the Lanarish language but she's picked up on a fair amount of profanity in the Vancor language along the way!

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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