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Lanarian (Luh-NAR-ee-un)

The brown-haired Lanarians are the dominant race of Kavrillia's northern hemisphere.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Lanarians do not have surnames. Instead they give their formal names in the following format:   MALE: Gea'Xeebonani Nai'Vizadani Um Xeres = Son of Xeebon, Husband of Vizada, and Father...Xeres   FEMALE: Jhea'Vizadani Klai'Ravikarani Um Kazaneta = Daughter of Vizada, Wife of Ravikar, and Mother...Kazaneta   OTHER GENDER: Ea'Adsani Ai'Riamani Olwa = Offspring of Adsa, Spouse of Riama...Olwa   Depending on the situation, these names can be shortened to include the parent's name only. For instance, for brevity and simplicity, a news anchor would simply be known as Gea'Zakarani Kilban, even if he was married or had children.   A divorced Lanarian with children would drop the "Nai'[wife]ani" or "Klai'[husband]ani" part, but retain the "Um" marker (pronounced "oom"): e.g. Jhea'Limerani Um Izenra.


Major language groups and dialects

The Lanarish language is spoken across the empire, with many different accents and some regional dialects, particularly in Aurillia, Alnashia, and Vancorra.

Culture and cultural heritage

In ancient times, Lanarian society was divided by a rigid class system.  The nobility were typically those who could trace their lineage to Melsar the Conqueror's court, any of the imperial dynasties, or the pre-conquest ruling houses of the states.  Exceptional success in business or war could bump a commoner up to minor noble status, but this was rare and it took generations before the "upstarts" were accepted into society.   The divide was so pronounced that it caused a linguistic split.  The classical tongue of Melzeen continued to be spoken by nobility, while the commoners' language evolved into early modern Lanarish.  After the invention of sonar and contact with the Vincarans, commoners engaged in science, exploration, and commerce gained prominence, and the barriers began to erode.  Nobility was forced to learn Lanarish to interact with the most influential people of the time, and within a century all Lanarians spoke the same language.     Nobles continued to speak Melzeen amongst themselves, but fluency became more of a status symbol than a necessity.  In modern times high nobility (such as the royal family) still have a noticeable accent and speech patterns that hearken back to Melzeen, even if most of them learn a bit of it in school and then promptly forget it.

Average technological level

The invention of sonar made it possible to avoid grekks and thus finally venture into the southern hemisphere.  This was the key to global domination.   Lanarians were also responsible for the development of rail travel.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Lanarians observe the New Year on the first day of spring with a week-long celebration.

Common Myths and Legends

Lanarian religion is monotheistic, worshiping what they simply call the Creator.

Historical figures

Melsar the Conqueror was the founder of the Lanarian Empire.   Rozandax the Terrible is considered the worst ruler the Empire has had, and Xeres the Great is seen as one of the best (although, since his death was so recent, it's unclear how history will judge him in the long run.)   Kerlon was the first explorer to successfully lead an expedition to Vancorra and return alive.


Gender Ideals

Lanarian culture has always been accepting of various genders and sexualities.   Their general attitude about gender roles can be summed up as "Most people with these genitals tend to be (adjective), but some are (mutually exclusive adjective) and that’s kind of interesting, like learning someone is left-handed or double-jointed," but there’s no value judgment attached. They recognize male, female, and other(/both/neither/fluid) as genders, and have pronouns and naming conventions for all three.   Lanarians see sexual orientation similarly: if consenting adults want to be in a relationship, then they should be. If your current partner is a different gender than your last one, that's about as noteworthy as changing your hairstyle: people will probably notice, but not think much of it. The only time having a same-sex partner is an issue is when a member of a noble house is pressured to reproduce to keep the family line going. Adoption has only been seen as an acceptable alternative in recent decades, and many still believe only flesh-and-blood heirs "count" for succession purposes.   Basically, Lanarians see gender and sexual orientation as mildly interesting trivia about someone, not a reason to discriminate.

Relationship Ideals

Premartial sexual activity and/or cohabitation are perfectly acceptable, but once children enter the picture, marriage is expected. Marriage is available to any two adults, regardless of their genders.   Divorce is considered more embarrassing than scandalous.   Nobility frown upon marrying below their class, although this attitude is fading with each successive generation.
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