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Vincaran (Vin-CAR-un)

The black-haired Vincarans originated in the southern hemisphere of Kavrillia, on the continent of Vancorra. They had a thriving civilization with thousands of years of history before Lanarian explorers arrived in their lands in 3933 (6709 by the Vincaran calendar). Within only a few years, war and disease had decimated their population and they were subjugated under the Lanarian Empire.   Three hundred years later, Vincarans still struggle to hold onto the shattered pieces of their culture while facing racism from the people who conquered them. A common slur used by rude Lanarians to refer to Vincarans is "Vanks."   Note that prior to the fall of their civilization in 3936, "Vancorran" is the proper term. "Vincaran" is used to describe them afterward; it arose as a consequence of Lanarians mispronouncing the original name.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Unlike Lanarians, Vincarans have surnames that follow their given names. Unfortunately, the imperial government only recognizes names in the Lanarian format that translates to Son/Daughter of, Spouse of, parent (or not), givenname. (Follow the link to the Lanarian page to see a full explanation.) Thus Vincarans within the Lanarian Empire have to know how to give their name in both ways. In the Vincaran Federation, they use their own "firstname lastname" format.   Some Vincarans in the Lanarian Empire give their names using both formats (e.g. Jhea'Tenoliani Zalani Janetha) both to avoid confusion and to honor their cultural heritage.   Traditionally, a woman takes her husband's surname after marriage. In recent years a few progressives have been advocating for women to use their maiden names instead of, or in addition to, their husband's. This has yet to catch on.

Other names

Palindromes are considered lucky and/or sacred.


Major language groups and dialects

Due to pressure from the dominant Lanarian culture, nearly all Vincarans today speak the Lanarish language. The Vancor language is a pidgin tongue incorporating several original dialects that is used mainly in ceremonial and religious contexts. Vancor is also the official language of the Vincaran Federation.

Average technological level

Although they had not developed the crucial sonar technology that allowed Lanarians to explore the globe, the pre-contact Vancorran civilization wasn't far behind. Their architecture, shipbuilding, medicine, plumbing and infrastructure were all approximately equal to the Lanarians', and their knowledge of astronomy was more advanced. They had harnessed electricity on a smaller scale than the Lanarians had, but they were familiar enough to quickly catch up once they were able to study the invaders' sonar and other devices.

Common Dress code

Most Vincarans living in the Lanarian Empire dress according to Lanarian standards, but some (especially priests and priestesses) still wear the layered robes, wraps, scarves, and ponchos of their ancestors. This traditional attire is much more common within the Vincaran Federation.   Decorative scarves are popular among Vincaran women to hold back the hair from their faces.
by Katie Sullivan

Foods & Cuisine

Vincaran food tends to be spicier than Lanarians are used to.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Troh Mar Anzhat is the greatest holiday of the Vincaran year. It marks the appearance of the brightest star in the southern sky as a sign that spring is coming soon.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

A new baby is taken to one of the gods' shrines for a blessing. The deity is chosen by the parent(s) based on what they hope their child's life will be like. For example, parents hoping their son will grow up to be a strong warrior would take him to the shrine of Telik, while a child whose parents have faced war, sickness, and poverty would be taken to the shrine of the Goddess of Renewal, Irokori, to spark a new, better life.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Brown is the Vincaran color of mourning.  A widow is expected to wear brown for an entire year after the death of her husband. Due to the culture's misogyny, widowers are considered especially devoted if they wear brown for more than a month.   It is customary to give dead, dried up flowers as a gesture of condolence when someone dies.

Common Myths and Legends


  • Daiad the Shaper -- (They/Them) Androgynous deity with two faces who created the universe, then the other gods and goddesses. Every 1,001 years They finish crafting a new form that allows one of the pantheon to fully manifest into the cosmos instead of remaining only in the spirit realm.
  • Kalak -- (He/Him) Leader of the pantheon. God of the sun and justice. Judge of the dead. Often represented as an orange orb atop a pillar.
  • Ainia -- (She/Her) Estranged wife of Kalak. Goddess of moons and water. Worshipers may commune with her by taking a cleansing bath. Depicted as a woman in flowing robes the color of the oceans, with two normal eyes and a third, large fiery one in the middle of her forehead.
  • Telik -- (He/Him) Lord of Chaos. God of war, vengeance, and discord. Worshipers may cut themselves and leave drops of blood in a basin at His shrine. Represented with dizzying patterns of black and white tiles.  Appropriately enough for a god of chaos, His is the only name in the pantheon that isn't a palindrome.
  • Tilalit -- (She/Her) Goddess of love, beauty and fertility. Worshipers leave flowers at her shrine, each representing a particular wish or concern.
  • Irokori -- (She/Her) Lady of Flame, Goddess of Renewal. A deity of cleansing and rebirth, represented by imagery of volcanoes and wildfires. Worshipers burn prayers on a ritual bonfire.
  • Sallas -- (He/Him) God of feasting, candy, and celebration.
  •   Most Vincarans worship different deities throughout their lives, sometimes multiple gods at once, depending on what area they need support in the most. Some feel strongly enough to concentrate their attention on a single deity, but unless one is a priest/priestess this is considered unbalanced and not healthy in the long run.     Vincarans believe that upon death their souls are judged by Kalak, whose all-seeing eye knows their every deed. If He deems them worthy, they are let into the idyllic Garden of Stars for eternity. If He deems them unworthy, they are forced to return to the living world as an invisible spirit, where they use their limited powers to influence events (what Lanarians would call "luck.") If the wandering spirit is able to do more good this way than they did harm in their life, they are admitted into the Garden of Stars. If the spirit is unwilling to seek redemption, they remain adrift forever, bringing negative energy wherever they go.

    Historical figures

    Ontaz and Xarax are considered the founding fathers of the Vincaran Federation.


    Gender Ideals

    Vincaran culture is patriarchal with strict gender roles.  Women may not join the military.  They cannot own property in their own names unless they are widowed and have no close, living male relatives, or are a high-ranking priestess of one of the goddesses.  Marrying well or joining a temple are the only paths to power for women in Vincaran society.    This is starting to change, albeit very slowly.  Notably, the leading volcanologist in the Vincaran Federation is a woman, one of the country's first prominent female scientists.

    Courtship Ideals

    Although less common in modern times, arranged marriages are not unheard of.

    Relationship Ideals

    While tolerance is slowly growing for other sexualities, Vincaran culture is heteronormative. Male homosexuality is usually tolerated as long as it is discreet, while female homosexuality is even more stigmatized. Anyone found to be involved in such relationships faces social ostracization and damage to their professional reputation. In ancient times, exile was common.   Any two adults may legally marry within the Lanarian Empire, regardless of their sex or gender. However, only heterosexual marriages are recognized by Vincaran religious authorities and the Vincaran Federation's government.

    Major organizations


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