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Enozin (en-OH-zin)

Senior Council Member Enozin

As the Senior Council Member, Enozin is well-respected and influential in Shalanera society.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Enozin's nine decades of life have left him stooped over and almost completely bald. He walks with a shuffle, sometimes with a cane and sometimes without.

Mental characteristics


Enozin is the oldest member of the Council, both in the sense that he is the most aged member, and in the sense that he's been in the Council longer than anyone else. It is the latter which grants him the title of Senior Council Member. In that capacity, he runs meetings from a special balcony overlooking the stage in the Council chambers.   When it is necessary for the Council to vote on something, he is the only one who can open and close the polls, and he alone sees the results.   It is also his honor to place the crown on the head of a new monarch in the coronation ceremony.

Mental Trauma

Despite his advanced age, his mind is as sharp as it ever was.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4138 93 Years old
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Lanarish language, some Melzeen language

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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