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A fungus-based humanoid species, ilphaels are considered to be dryads despite not being part plant. Genetically engineered by the Progenitors to be part fungus, ilphaels are exclusively detrivores, consuming decaying or rotting food only, primarily plants (including wood).

Basic Information


Ilphaels are largely human-like in appearance, though with distinctly alien traits. They are completely hairless (including body hair), with a slightly odd skin texture, feeling somewhat soft and spongy. Select parts of the body, primarily found on the inside of the limbs, but also along the sides of the ribs, are even softer, with an almost gelatinous surface. In adult ilphaels, these parts are also colored bright pinkish-red.   Young ilphaels have enlarged heads, especially towards the back of the head, forming a large egg-like shape. As they age, the skin on the back of the head grows thinner and more translucent, eventually making it possible to see the forming shapes inside--and the 'true' back of the head. Finally, the skin ruptures entirely, revealing numerous tentacle-like growths attached to the ilphael's head. Typically they have four to six tentacles, but they can have up to eight, all placed in a starfish-like shape (bases near each other, reaching outwards). The tentacles are colored bright pinkish-red, and their emergence marks an ilphael reaching adulthood.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ilphaels are detrivores and consume decaying and rotting food exclusively, an unusual trait for a sophont species. They have numerous adaptations to make this easier for themselves, including disease-resistant bodies and powerful digestive enzymes, including in their saliva.   Since they feed on rotting food, and their saliva can break down food items even further, they have weak jaws and fragile teeth, making it difficult to eat 'normal' food (and wearing down their teeth very quickly even if they do). In situations where they cannot eat according to their usual diet, ilphaels usually consume liquid foods only, which may suit nutritionally but sure doesn't satisfy the way properly eating does.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
60 years
Average Height
1.8 - 2.0 meters (5'11" - 6'7")
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pasty (non-human) white; bright pinkish-red accents in adults.

Cover image: by DarkNymfa


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