

Eaglors are a proud and reclusive race, dwelling high in the remote mountain peaks of Kena'an. These majestic beings, with their eagle-like features and powerful wings, possess a profound connection to the natural world, a bond that is both physical and spiritual. As the sole custodians of druidic magic in the world, the Eaglors hold a unique and revered position, their mastery of nature's secrets unmatched by any other race. Eaglors were created by Verana, the Goddess of Dreams and Prophecies, from the very winds that sweep across Kena'an’s highest summits. They were not only blessed with the gift of foresight but also entrusted with the sacred duty of preserving the ancient druidic traditions. Verana bestowed upon them the wisdom and power to commune with nature, making them the only true druids in the world. This divine mandate has shaped the Eaglors into protectors of the natural balance, their knowledge and skills passed down through generations in closely guarded rites.



Eaglors possess a striking blend of avian and humanoid traits, embodying the majesty and power of both eagle and man. Standing at an average height, with females often taller than males, Eaglors are immediately recognizable by their eagle-like heads. They have strong, sharp beaks that, while small, are formidable tools. Their piercing eyes, most often a vivid yellow but occasionally a rare green, seem to see beyond the physical, reflecting their deep connection to the spiritual and natural worlds.

Their bodies are largely humanoid, with broad shoulders and muscular frames for males and lither, more slender frames for females. The transition from avian to human is most evident around their necks, where golden-brown feathers gradually give way to fine body hair. This feathered mantle extends across their chests and upper backs, merging seamlessly into the majestic wings that define their race. These wings, with their golden-brown feathers, are not only symbols of their divine heritage but also functional, enabling them to soar through the skies with grace and power.

Eaglors' hands and feet end in sharp talons, perfectly adapted for both aerial maneuvers and terrestrial combat. These talons provide them with a firm grip when landing or taking off, and they can be used effectively as natural weapons in close combat, making the Eaglors formidable opponents both in the air and on the ground.



Eaglors, as the sole custodians of druidic knowledge in the world of Kena'an, are deeply committed to maintaining the balance of nature. This dedication to balance and harmony naturally inclines most Eaglors towards neutrality, reflecting their understanding that the world is a complex web of forces that must be preserved rather than dominated or disrupted. While neutrality is prevalent among them, the Eaglors do not rigidly adhere to a single alignment, and individuals within their society can embody a wide range of moral and ethical perspectives. This diversity in alignment reflects the Eaglors' understanding that balance is not about rigid adherence to one path but about the harmonious coexistence of all.

Eaglors are profoundly spiritual beings, with their religious practices deeply intertwined with their everyday lives and cultural traditions. Their society is tribalistic, and their culture revolves around respect for nature and spiritual rituals. Each tribe has its own elders, often druids or shamans, who lead communal rites and guide the tribe in spiritual matters, drawing on their deep connection to the natural world and the dreams sent by their creator, Verana.

While Verana is their primary deity and the creator to whom they are most devoted, Eaglors are not exclusive in their worship. They recognize and honor the presence of other gods, understanding that the divine influences many aspects of the world they seek to balance. This inclusive approach to religion allows them to venerate other deities whose domains align with their values and needs.

Among these deities, Idril holds a special place in the hearts of many Eaglors. The Elemental Prince, is particularly revered in his aspect as the Lord of Air. This aspect embodies the elemental force that Eaglors are most connected to, given their affinity for the skies and the winds that carry them. Eaglors see Idril as a powerful ally and protector, invoking his name in rituals related to weather, flight, and the changing seasons.

Their religious practices are rich with symbolism and ritual, often conducted in open, high places where the sky meets the earth, and the winds can be felt most strongly. These rituals involve offerings of feathers, incense, and other natural elements. Eaglors believe that by honoring these gods and maintaining the natural balance, they fulfill their divine purpose and ensure the continued prosperity of their people and the world.

Eaglors' spirituality dominates every aspect of their culture. Their stories, songs, and art are filled with references to Verana’s dreams and Idril’s winds. Tribal gatherings often begin with prayers or meditative practices designed to attune the community to the natural forces around them. Eaglors also observe various festivals tied to the cycles of nature, such as solstices and equinoxes, which are celebrated with communal feasts, dances, and ceremonial flights, during which they give thanks to their gods and renew their vows to protect the balance of the world.

In times of crisis, the Eaglors turn to their spiritual leaders, who, through divination, provide guidance and insight. These leaders are also the keepers of ancient rites that ensure the continuity of their culture and spiritual beliefs, passing down the sacred knowledge from one generation to the next.



Type: Humanoid (eaglor)

Ability Score Modifier: -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity. Eaglors are wise and agile, but the isolations of their communities makes them less intellectually inclined.

Size: Medium

Speed: 30ft

Fly Speed: 60ft (average)

Language: Eaglors begin play speaking only Auran. With high intelligence scores they can choose extra languages from the following: Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan and Terran.

Weapon Familiarity: Shortspear, javelin and the unique Skyclaw Talons

The Skyclaw Talons

Low light vision: Eaglors can see twice as far as than humans in dim light.

Natural Weapons: The talons on an Eaglor's hands can be used as a natural weapon dealing 1d4 damage.

Feathered Physique: Eaglors receive a +2 racial bonus to fly check due to their eagle heritage.

Spell-like Ability: Eaglors can cast Weatherwise Insight 1/day as a spell like ability. The caster level for this spell is equal to the character level.

Keen Sences: Eaglors receive +2 racial bonus to perception checks that include vision.

Elemental Affinity (air): Eaglors receive a +1 racial bonus to all saving throws made against air based effects.



Physical Prowess

Despite their heritage, some Eaglors tend to be less attuned towards magic and spirituality. These members of the race soon realise they need to hone more physical skills in order to remain useful to their tribes.

Replaces: Spell like ability and Elemental Affinity

Benefit: Eaglors with physical prowess gain the Endurance feat and a +1 bonus to all strength and dexterity checks to perform physical acts

Outcast Eaglor

Though a rare sight, there are Eaglors who either chose to leave their tribes or were exiled. These individuals tend to create their own families of outcasts outside the traditions and the Eaglor culture.

Replaces: Feathered Physique and Keen Sences

Benefit: These Eaglors gain a +2 racial bonus to all survival checks, reflecting their adaptability and resourcefulness in varied enviroments. They also choose to gain a +2 racial trait to Bluff, Sence Motive or Appraise skills and this skill is considered a class skill.

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