
Live in balance and you shall live in truth

General Information

Idril is one of the most respected deities of the Pantheon, even though his power lies mostly in the elemental planes. His unquestionable influence over the elements makes him a worthy opponent and an even more valuable ally.



Idril's creation is proof that the four basic elements are unseperable from the material plane. It is said the Elemental Prince appeared short after the completion of Kena'an, when the first rain fall and the very first lightning hit a tree and set it on fire. From that very first spark, Idril was born.



Idril is described as an androgynous being of elemental might. He uses many different forms when she chooses to visit the material plane. Sometimes he arrives as a marvelous bird, others as some kind of a sea creature or as a powerful fire salamander. In the rare occasion he needs to interact more openly or experience other things, Idril comes to the material plane in the form of an elven ranger. Even in this form though, her characteristics remain vague and fluid. Descriptions say his eyes are the color of the freshly wet soil and his hair is long, blond and so silk it resembles a mist around his head. She is wearing a long coat in the color of the ocean and holds in his hands a flaming shortspear.



The Elemental Prince is the protector of the enviroment and the natural order. There are different aspects of him that are worshiped from different groups of people accross the land. Idril has a mastery over all the four elements of fire, water, earth and air. His ultimate goal is the achievement of balance all over Kena'an and the fulfilment of this land's original purpose.


The Aspects

1. Aspect of the Eternal Flame

  • Symbol
A blazing torch  
  • Worshippers
Blacksmiths, warriors, arsonists, and those who seek strength, passion or destruction.  
  • Domains
Fire, Creation, Destruction, Wrath  
  • Description
This aspect represents the dual nature of fire as both a creative and destructive force. While it can forge weapons and ignite the spark of creativity, it can also bring about devastating destruction. Followers of the Eternal Flame may use fire to build and inspire, but also to burn and destroy, driven by wrath and the desire to purge the world of weakness.  

2. Aspect of the Εffervescent Wave

  • Symbol
A crescent wave with dark, lurking shapes beneath the surface  
  • Worshippers
Sailors, healers, assassins, pirates  
  • Domains
Water, Healing, Deception, Drowning  
  • Description
This aspect embodies the nurturing and deceptive nature of water. While it can heal and bring about peace, it can also conceal dangers beneath its surface and suffocate those who fall prey to its depths. Followers of the Effervescent Wave may heal or harm, using water’s fluidity to adapt and manipulate, or to drown and suffocate enemies in its embrace.

3. Aspect of the Stalward Earth

  • Symbol
A sturdy mountain with a shadowy chasm beneath  
  • Worshippers
Farmers, builders, gravekeepers  
  • Domains
Earth, Strength, Growth, Decay, Burial  
  • Description
This aspect represents the nurturing and consuming nature of the earth. While it provides stability and supports growth, it can also decay, entomb, and crush. Followers of the Stalwart Earth may cultivate life or hasten decay, using the earth to build or bury, crush the weak, and entomb enemies in its unyielding grasp.

4. Aspect of the Tempestuous Sky

  • Symbol
A lightning bolt with dark clouds  
  • Worshippers
Scholars, travelers, raiders  
  • Domains
Air, Freedom, Knowledge, Storms, Havoc  
  • Description
This aspect represents the inspiring and chaotic nature of the sky. While it offers freedom and enlightenment, it can also bring forth storms that wreak havoc. Followers of the Tempestuous Sky may seek wisdom and travel the world, but they also wield the power to unleash storms, strike down enemies with lightning, and spread chaos and disorder.

5. The Elemental Unity

Some worshippers honor the god in all his aspects, recognizing that the elements can both nurture and destroy. This path is common among druids and other nature oriented people, who see the balance of creation and destruction as necessary for the world’s equilibrium. They wield all elements, knowing that for every act of creation, there must be destruction, and for every peace, there must be chaos.  

Clergy and Temples

Idril's temples come in every variety and shape. From small shrines in the hearts of forests, near ports or even mountaintops, to larger temples in some of the most important cities, there is a sign of the god of balance everywhere to be found around Kena'an. Most of these structures are made from simple materials. His clerics are dressed in the same manner and they usually decorate themselves with various things taken directly from nature. The Elemental Prince has a lot of monasteries dedicated to him and as a result a great number of monks tend to worship her in a way or another.  


The Elemental Prince tries to stay objective and impartial towards divine conflicts. Besides his vast portfolio he doesn't share much with the other gods of the pantheon. He is a secluded and relative lonely divine being. Yet throughout the ages he has made some exceptions

His closest ally and friend is Sadorian. The two of them have many things in common especially considering the natural order and the preservation of a health enviroment in Kena'an. Idril also has occasional dealings with Verana and it is said he blessed the race of Eaglors that the lady of dreams created.

  • Symbol: A silver circle containing the four basic elements
  • Titles: The Balanced One, The Whole, The Elemental Prince
  • Home Plane: The Crossroads
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Portfolio: Earth, Seas, Fire, Air, Balance
  • Worshipers: Druids, Bards, Rangers, Humans, Monks
  • Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, N, NG, NE
  • Domains: Water, Fire, Earth, Air
  • Sub domains: Wind, Petrification, Ash, Oceans
  • Favorite Weapon: Short Spear
  • Sacred Animal: Turtle
  • Sacred Colors: Blue, Red, Green, White
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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