
General Information

Verana is one of the most enigmatic and ancient gods of Kenaan. Known as the Dreamer and the Mind Traveler, she is a deity whose influence has faded from common memory, yet her presence lingers in the subconscious of all living beings. The true origins of Verana are shrouded in mystery, with even the most knowledgeable scholars debating her nature and influence. Despite her perceived disappearance following The Purification, Verana continues to exert a subtle but profound influence over the world through dreams and the natural order. She is the creator of the Eaglors, a proud and isolated race. Her temples, though largely abandoned and forgotten, are hidden in remote mountaintops, where only the most devout or desperate seek her guidance.


Verana was born from the powerful magical explosion that occurred when Haestrom, the Frozen God of Tyranny and Sin, first introduced the moon and night to the world. Her creation was an event of stunning beauty, marked by a forty-day rain that introduced the concept of dreams to the land. As the goddess of dreams and the protector of the skies, Verana holds a unique and exalted place among the gods of Kenaan. She is one of the Greater Gods, with her power rooted deeply in the dreams of all living creatures. Verana’s first dream gave birth to Ephelion, the god of arts and love, further intertwining her fate with the world of Kena'an.



Verana is a creature of breathtaking beauty, often depicted as a tall, ethereal figure with long, flowing hair that seems to blend into the night sky. Her eyes are said to glow with the soft light of the moon, and her presence is both calming and awe-inspiring. When she appears to mortals, it is often in dreams or visions, where she takes on the form of a serene, otherworldly woman with wings of silver light. Her true form is rarely seen, as she resides on the Moon, far from the prying eyes of mortals.



Verana is the Lady of Dreams, and her power is derived from the dream world. She believes in the importance of neutrality and order, seeing dreams as a means to guide and influence the living world. Her teachings emphasize the balance between light and darkness, the conscious and the subconscious, and the real and the imagined. Verana’s followers are encouraged to seek wisdom in their dreams and to understand the deeper meanings hidden within their subconscious. She is also the protector of the skies and the guardian of the natural world, particularly the isolated and untamed places where her influence is strongest.


Clergy and Temples

Verana’s temples are rare and often in ruins, reflecting her diminished presence in the modern world. These temples are usually found on mountaintops, where the air is thin and the connection to the heavens is strong. The few that remain are often inhabited by the Eaglors, a race of beings created by Verana to serve as her protectors and messengers. Her clergy are few and far between, chosen carefully for their dedication and purity of spirit. They are known for their ability to interpret dreams and to travel between the physical and dream worlds. Verana’s temples were once connected by powerful portals, allowing her followers to travel great distances in an instant. Seven of these portal-linked monasteries still exist today, though they are well-hidden and guarded by powerful wards.



Verana’s most significant relationship is with her son, Ephelion, the god of arts and love. She is both proud and protective of him, though she disapproves of his relationship with Siona. Verana’s disapproval stems from her belief that their union was an affront to the natural order, leading her to actively oppose their son, Silanthas. Despite her deep love for Ephelion, Verana’s actions have created a rift between them, as she struggles to reconcile her maternal instincts with her belief in cosmic balance.

Verana has a strained relationship with Siona, the goddess of magic and death, who is also her daughter-in-law. She sees Siona as a disruptive force, especially given her role in hiding Silanthas from Verana’s wrath. While Verana respects Siona’s power, she cannot forgive the affront to her own sense of order and propriety that Siona represents. Their interactions are marked by underlying tension and distrust, with Verana often working behind the scenes to counter Siona’s influence.

Silanthas, the god of travel and trade, is the target of Verana’s deepest ire. She views him as an illegitimate child, born from a union she never approved of, and has sought to eliminate him on several occasions. Despite his evasion of her wrath, Verana remains determined to set right what she sees as a cosmic mistake. This pursuit has driven a wedge between her and both Ephelion and Siona, making Silanthas a central figure in the discord within her divine family.

As the god who inadvertently created her through the introduction of the moon and night, Haestrom holds a unique place in Verana’s life. Though they are not particularly close, Verana respects Haestrom’s power and his role in the cosmic order. Their relationship is one of mutual understanding, with both recognizing the other’s importance in maintaining balance in the world. However, Verana’s alignment with neutrality and dreams often puts her at odds with Haestrom’s tyrannical nature.

Verana views Ukdrus, the god of betrayal and darkness, with a mix of disdain and caution. She sees him as a destabilizing force, one who thrives on chaos and treachery, which runs counter to her belief in order and balance. While she does not consider him a direct threat, Verana is wary of Ukdrus’s machinations, knowing that he could easily disrupt her carefully maintained balance if left unchecked.

Verana regards Levar, the trickster god, with suspicion and mistrust. She knows that his playful, deceptive nature can easily turn into something far more dangerous. While Levar finds amusement in Verana’s strict adherence to order, she sees him as a chaotic element that must be carefully watched and, if necessary, countered.

Verana’s relationship with Lilyore, the goddess of joy and diplomacy, is one of distant respect. They rarely interact, as their domains rarely overlap, but Verana acknowledges Lilyore’s importance in maintaining peace and balance. However, Verana’s disapproval of Siona and Ephelion’s relationship creates an undercurrent of tension between them, as Lilyore often sides with the younger gods in disputes.

Verana’s interactions with Zinxa, the goddess of undeath and Siona’s twin sister, are limited but tinged with caution. Verana sees Zinxa’s tampering with death and the natural order as a dangerous threat to the balance she strives to maintain. While they are not direct enemies, Verana keeps a close watch on Zinxa’s activities, ready to intervene if she believes Zinxa’s actions will cause irreparable harm to the world.

  • Symbol: An angel wing and a full moon
  • Titles: The Dreamer, The Lady of Dreams, The Mind Traveler
  • Home Plane: The Moon
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Portfolio: Wind, Vanity, Flora and Fauna, Eaglors, Dreams, Travel
  • Worshipers: Druids, Eaglors, Rangers, Bards, Casters
  • Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE
  • Domains: Air, Ruins, Travel, Darkness
  • Sub domains: Cloud, Wind, Portal, Exploration, Isolation, Moon
  • Favorite Weapon: Two Bladed
  • Sacred Animal: Eagle
  • Sacred Colors: White, Silver
Cleric of the Dreamer
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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