

The Glaciarcs are one of the oldest races in Kena'an, with origins steeped in ancient creation myths. According to their lore, the Frozen Lord, Haestrom—the god of tyranny and sin—gave them life by mixing his own blood with the ice. This divine act imbued them with both their formidable physical traits and their deep connection to the cold.

A common misconception is that the Glaciarcs are merely an offshoot of the orc race, a belief the Glaciarcs find deeply offensive. They are confident they came to Kena'an first, and that the orcs were an attempt made by the god of destruction, Unnur, to mimic their might, but they remain vastly inferior in the eyes of the Glaciarcs and their god. To compare the two is considered a grave insult among their kind.

Their society is distinctly tribal yet governed by a stringent, theocratic system. The Glaciarcs live under a rigid hierarchy where every aspect of life is dictated by a complex set of rules and demands from their leaders. This combination of strict governance and martial prowess makes them both feared and respected. Stories of Glaciarc ruthlessness circulate throughout Kena'an, serving as cautionary tales to both children and daring adventurers who might cross their path.



Glaciarcs are distinguished as semi-giants, towering figures with a commanding presence. Males often stand up to 8 feet tall, while females reach up to 6.5 feet. Their physical build is robust and muscular, reflecting their strength and resilience. Their skin is a striking pale blue, with a sheen that suggests it is coated in a delicate layer of frost. Their eyes are small yet intense, varying in color from icy white to pale blue or green, giving them a piercing gaze that can unsettle even the most steadfast opponents.

Adapted to frigid environments, Glaciarcs possess thick hair that extends to their shoulders and hands, providing insulation against the cold. Their hair, often silver, gray, or white, not only offers practical protection but also helps them blend seamlessly into their icy surroundings. This natural camouflage makes them exceptionally adept at navigating and surviving in their harsh, frozen habitats.

Their attire typically includes fur-lined garments and intricately carved ice-encrusted armor, which further enhances their formidable appearance and practical adaptation to their environment. In battle, their fierce and unyielding nature is evident, driven by a twisted code of honor that blends their divine heritage with their harsh realities.




Glaciarcs are intensely religious and their spiritual practices are central to their daily lives and societal structure. They revere Haestrom, the Frozen Lord, as their primary deity. Haestrom’s dominion over ice and tyranny resonates deeply with the Glaciarcs' own harsh existence and their hierarchical, often tyrannical societies. Worship of Haestrom involves elaborate rituals and ceremonies that underscore their reverence for his power and their adherence to his principles. The Glaciarcs' religious observances reinforce their societal norms, emphasizing strength, control, and the imposition of order.

In addition to their devotion to Haestrom, Glaciarcs recognize and occasionally worship other deities, particularly those associated with elements and nature, though these lesser deities are often seen through the lens of their primary worship. The integration of these deities into their spiritual practices reflects the Glaciarcs' broader understanding of the world and their place within it. Their religious ceremonies and societal laws often blend the teachings of Haestrom with the practical needs of survival and dominance, creating a unique fusion of faith and governance that shapes every aspect of their lives.

In Glaciarc society, alignment is deeply intertwined with their harsh environment and the doctrines of their faith. Glaciarcs predominantly adhere to a Lawful Evil alignment, reflecting their structured, often oppressive social order and their ruthless efficiency in maintaining control and dominance. This alignment manifests in their strict adherence to the laws and traditions established by their theocratic leaders. Their approach to life is pragmatic and driven by a belief in the inherent strength of their race and the need to impose order upon a chaotic world. While their alignment is generally Lawful Evil, individual Glaciarcs may exhibit a range of personal ethics, shaped by their experiences and interpretations of their faith.



Type: Humanoid (glaciarc)

Ability Score Modifier: -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma, +2 Constitution, +2 Strength. What Glaciarcs lack in reasoning skills and social interractions, they make up with their physical prowess and extraordinary resilience.

Size: Medium

Speed: 30ft

Language: Glaciarcs begin play speaking Common and Glaciel (a dialect that reminds a lot the orcish language). With high intelligence scores they can choose extra languages from the following: Giant, Gnoll, Infernal and Undercommon.

Weapon Familiarity: Greatswords, greataxes, falcions and the unique crafted Glacial Greataxe.

Darkvision: 60ft

Ferocity: Once per day, while disabled or dying, the Glaciarc can continue fighting as if still at 0 hit points for 1 round.

Intimidating Presence: +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.

Elemental Resistance: Due to their attunement with cold terrains, Glaciarcs have an inherent cold resistance 5. They also receive a +1 racial bonus on saving throws made against spells with the cold descriptor.

Survival Insticts: Glaciarcs receive a +2 racial bonus to all survival skill checks made in icy/cold enviroments and terrains.



The Forgotten

These Glaciarcs were exiled or chose to leave their tribes and have spent much of their lives outside their traditional icy environments. They have adapted to a variety of harsh conditions, which has shaped their abilities and skills.

Replaces: Elemental Resistance and Ferocity

Benefit: The Forgotten gain a +2 bonus to fortitude saves against enviromental hazards. They have learned to adapt in every kind of hostile enviroments due to the fact they are frequently hunted by members of their old tribes. Due to their nomadic lifestyle they gain a +2 to knowledge (geography) and this skill is always considered a class skill for them.

The Infernal-Blooded

These Glaciarcs are marked by their connection to Haestrom, the infernal creator of the race. Their bloodline has imbued them with fiery traits and an aura of power that sets them apart from their kin. They are highly respected in their tribes and often they accumulate the role of the priest or the spiritual leader.

Replaces: Lose elemental resistance, survival insticts and intimidating presence.

Benefit: These Glaciarcs have a part of the hells running through their veins. They gain fire resistance 2 and +2 bonus to saves against fire based effects. They also gain the ability to cast hellish rebuke 1/day as a spell like ability. The caster level for this spell equals the character level. Finally, these Glaciarcs gain a +2 racial bonus to both Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks.

All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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