
General Information

Unnur, known as The Destroyer, is the embodiment of chaos, bloodlust, and destruction. He is worshiped primarily by orcs, half-orcs, and those who revel in violence and anarchy. Unnur is a god who thrives on the carnage of battle, the agony of his enemies, and the utter ruin of civilization. His brutal nature and terrifying appearance make him one of the most feared deities in the Pantheon. Unnur's influence drives his followers to acts of extreme violence and cruelty, as he seeks to sow chaos and bring about the downfall of all who oppose him.



Unnur’s creation was born out of a dark and sinister ritual performed by Zinxa, the Goddess of Death, and Mioran, the Goddess of Plagues. Zinxa’s magic enabled Mioran to conceive and give birth to Unnur, a deity born for the sole purpose of destruction and war. From the moment of his birth, Unnur has been dedicated to the annihilation of his enemies, particularly the dwarves, whose very existence he despises. His creation of the orc race was a direct act of defiance against the gods of order, particularly Ondrul, the god of the dwarves, whom he considers his sworn enemy.



In his true form, Unnur is a terrifying figure, resembling an orc warlord but twice the size of any normal orc. He wears a massive suit of black full plate armor, adorned with a helmet featuring horns made of obsidian and cold iron—a gift from his ally Ukdrus. His appearance is perpetually blood-soaked, a testament to his countless battles and victories. His most grotesque feature is his missing lips, which he ripped off himself to better devour the flesh of his enemies. Unnur's visage is one of pure, unbridled brutality, embodying his nature as the god of destruction and murder.



Unnur preaches a doctrine of relentless violence, tyranny, and chaos. He values strength above all else and expects his followers to show no mercy, even towards each other. Weakness is an unforgivable sin in the eyes of Unnur, and he delights in the bloodshed and destruction caused by his worshipers. His ultimate goal is to see the orcs, his chosen people, rise to power by annihilating the dwarves and anyone else who stands in their way. Unnur’s followers are encouraged to revel in battle, to take joy in the suffering of others, and to pursue the utter destruction of their enemies.


Clergy and Temples

The temples of Unnur are grim, intimidating structures, often built from stone and reinforced with bones, skulls, and other remains of the slain. His clerics are brutal and merciless, often decorating themselves with the teeth and bones of their victims as symbols of their devotion. Blood sacrifices are a common practice in his temples, as it is believed that the sight and smell of blood strengthen the god. These temples serve as places of worship, training grounds for warriors, and staging areas for raids and battles. It is not uncommon to find shrines dedicated to Ukdrus, Unnur’s ally, within these temples, symbolizing their shared commitment to destruction and chaos.



Zinxa, as one of Unnur’s creators, holds a position of power and respect in his eyes, though their relationship is not without tension. Zinxa's control over death complements Unnur's domain of destruction, and together, they form a formidable force of chaos and fear in the Pantheon. Despite their alignment, Unnur occasionally finds Zinxa’s methods too methodical and calculated, clashing with his own impulsive desire for pure, unbridled chaos. However, their mutual disdain for order and civilization keeps them as uneasy allies in the eternal struggle against the gods of light and valor.

Mioran, Unnur’s other creator, is someone Unnur feels a deep connection with due to their shared embodiment of chaos and disorder. Mioran’s madness fuels Unnur’s destructive tendencies, and together, they represent a union of insanity and violence. Unnur respects Mioran’s complete embrace of chaos, and he often draws upon her madness to amplify his own power in his ceaseless war against the gods of order. Their relationship is one of chaotic synergy, with Unnur often acting as the physical force to Mioran’s psychological torment.

Ukdrus is not just an ally, but a kindred spirit to Unnur. Both gods share a deep-seated hatred for the dwarves and the orderly world that opposes their chaotic nature. Ukdrus’ cunning and deceit are the perfect complement to Unnur’s brute strength, making them a formidable duo in their efforts to overthrow the other gods. Ukdrus' gift of the horned helmet to Unnur solidified their bond, symbolizing their shared commitment to destruction. Together, they plot the downfall of their enemies, particularly Ondrul, with Ukdrus’ treachery often paving the way for Unnur’s devastating assaults.

Ondrul is the epitome of everything Unnur despises—order, craftsmanship, and resilience. Unnur’s hatred for Ondrul is the driving force behind much of his existence, and the creation of the orcs was a direct act of defiance against Ondrul and his dwarves. The rivalry between Unnur and Ondrul is one of the oldest and most intense in the Pantheon, with Unnur dedicating much of his power to the destruction of Ondrul’s creations. Unnur’s ultimate goal is to see the dwarves wiped out and their god humiliated, an ambition that fuels countless wars and conflicts in the mortal realm.

Haestrom, the Frozen God of Tyranny, is both an inspiration and a rival to Unnur. Haestrom’s creation of the Glaciarcs was a direct influence on Unnur’s creation of the orcs. However, while Unnur admires Haestrom’s strength and ruthlessness, he despises the god’s rigid adherence to tyranny and order. Unnur sees Haestrom’s obsession with control as a perversion of true power, which should be chaotic and unrestrained. Their relationship is one of mutual respect and animosity, with Unnur often seeking to prove that pure, anarchic destruction is superior to Haestrom’s calculated tyranny.

Unnur holds Ephelion in contempt, viewing the god’s focus on beauty and love as a sign of weakness. To Unnur, Ephelion represents everything that is wrong with the Pantheon—softness, sentimentality, and a desire for peace. Unnur takes pleasure in destroying the creations of Ephelion, whether they be works of art, monuments, or relationships. While Ephelion’s power over the arts has occasionally intrigued Unnur, he ultimately dismisses it as trivial, preferring instead to revel in the chaos and destruction that he believes are the true expressions of power.

Unnur’s relationship with Levar is one of wary cooperation and underlying resentment. While Unnur despises trickery and deception, preferring direct confrontation, he cannot deny the effectiveness of Levar’s schemes. Levar’s chaotic nature aligns with Unnur’s goals, making them uneasy allies at times. However, Unnur is always suspicious of Levar, knowing that the Trickster god could betray him at any moment. Their alliance is purely one of convenience, with Unnur using Levar’s tricks to further his own ends while always preparing for the possibility of treachery.

Unnur sees Lilyore as an antithesis to everything he stands for. Her domains of joy and diplomacy are diametrically opposed to his own focus on destruction and chaos. Unnur finds her efforts to bring peace and happiness to the world contemptible, and he often goes out of his way to disrupt her plans. However, he does not view her as a serious threat—more as a nuisance that needs to be dealt with. Unnur delights in corrupting and destroying the joy and peace that Lilyore seeks to spread, considering it a personal victory whenever he can turn her work into despair and chaos.

Unnur harbors a deep-seated hatred for Novirath. The Protector represents everything that Unnur despises—order, justice, and the protection of the weak. Unnur’s very existence is a challenge to Novirath’s ideals, and the two are locked in an eternal struggle. Unnur’s desire to bring about the downfall of Novirath and his followers is one of his primary motivations, driving his ceaseless efforts to spread chaos and destruction across the realms. In Unnur’s eyes, the defeat of Novirath would symbolize the triumph of chaos over order, and he will stop at nothing to achieve this goal.

  • Symbol: A flaming skull
  • Titles: The Destroyer, The destructor
  • Home Plane: The Abyss
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Orcs, Destruction, Death, Murder, Torture
  • Worshipers: Orcs, Half Orcs, Barbarians, Evil Warriors
  • Cleric Alignments: NE, CE
  • Domains: War, Evil, Strength, Destruction
  • Sub domains: Blood, Ferocity, Corruption, Fear, Catastrophe, Torture
  • Favorite Weapon: Falchion
  • Sacred Animal: Boar
  • Sacred Colors: Black, Red
Cleric of the Destroyer
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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