
In sin, there is freedom; in submission, there is power

General Information

Haestrom, known as The Infernal and The Frozen Lord, is a Greater God within the pantheon of Kena'an, embodying the harsh, unyielding forces of cold, tyranny, and destruction. He is the god of sins, revenge, and law—a dark mirror to his brother Novirath, the Protector and God of Light and Valor. His symbol, an Iron Fist clutching a frozen heart, signifies his ruthless control over those who submit to him and the icy vengeance he delivers upon his enemies.



Haestrom and Novirath, brothers of mysterious origin, once walked the cosmos in search of knowledge and understanding. United by their shared goal of creation, they crafted the world of Kena'an together. Haestrom’s contributions, such as the night and the original Moon, were intended to balance Novirath’s creations like the day and the Sun. However, their rivalry eventually led to a schism, culminating in Haestrom's departure to Hell, where he sought greater power and influence.

In Hell, Haestrom became one of Asmodeus's most trusted advisors, wielding his cold, calculating intellect to rise in power. However, his ambition led to his downfall when Baalzebub, another devil prince, falsely accused him of treachery, forcing Haestrom to flee Hell. Scarred and forever changed by his experiences, Haestrom returned to Kena'an, where he found that his brother had altered their shared creation. Furious and betrayed, Haestrom declared war, marking the beginning of The Purification era—a time of brutal conflict between the forces of light and darkness.



In his true form, Haestrom is depicted as a huge ice devil, with horns made of ice and piercing eyes that burn with icy fire. He is a pit fiend- albeit a godly one. He rarely visits the material plane but when he does he appears as a young, lithe human with pale skin and white hair. His face and body are severely scarred in both his forms.

The Eruption of the Moon

One of the most significant events in Haestrom's history is the creation and subsequent destruction of the original Moon. Haestrom's Moon was a massive, ominous celestial body that absorbed light and cast a suffocating darkness over Kena'an. It was a bold attempt to surpass the brilliance of Novirath’s Sun. However, the immense magical energy required to sustain the Moon caused it to become unstable, leading to a catastrophic explosion. The eruption of the Moon tore the sky apart, releasing fragments that became the stars and scattering pieces across Kena'an, which became the rare and powerful Onyx Luna.

Despite the disaster, Haestrom did not despair. Instead, he harnessed the unleashed energy to create Verana, the Goddess of Prophecies and Dreams, whom he considered his greatest creation. This event marked a turning point in Haestrom’s existence, solidifying his role as a god of transformation through destruction.


The Creation of the Glaciarcs


As a final testament to his will upon Kena'an, Haestrom created the Glaciarcs—a fierce and powerful race of orc-like beings molded from snow and his divine blood. The Glaciarcs embody the harshness, discipline, and ambition that Haestrom values. They are his enforcers, carrying out his commands with brutal efficiency. The Glaciarcs' society is strict and organized, a reflection of Haestrom’s ideals of absolute order and control. These beings thrive in the frozen wastelands of Ekiran, where they have established strongholds dedicated to their Frozen Lord.



Haestrom teaches that true power lies in absolute order, discipline, and the ruthless pursuit of one's desires. He views submission as a means to achieve clarity and strength, believing that through strict adherence to his laws, his followers can attain ultimate power. Haestrom demands unwavering loyalty, rewarding those who serve him with power and protection, while delivering cold, merciless vengeance upon those who betray him.

He encourages his followers to embrace their darkest desires, seeing them as the true path to freedom. The pleasures of the flesh, whether through indulgence in food, drink, or carnal desires, are seen as tools to control and dominate others. Haestrom’s dogma is one of calculated ambition, where betrayal is the greatest sin, and loyalty is the highest virtue.


Clergy and Temples

Haestrom’s worship is now hidden and secretive, especially after The Purification era, during which his temples were destroyed, and his followers hunted down by the forces of Novirath. In the frozen lands of Ekiran, however, his influence remains strong among the Glaciarcs, who have built grand temples carved into ice. These temples are harsh, cold environments that reflect the unforgiving nature of their god.

His clerics wear robes of icy blue and heavy furs, their bodies adorned with mystical tattoos created using a unique technique involving needles of ice and blood-infused ink. These tattoos are not only marks of their devotion but also channels for Haestrom’s power, allowing them to wield destructive magic. His priests are strict and disciplined, enforcing Haestrom’s laws with an iron fist, ensuring that all who serve the Frozen Lord remain loyal and true.



Haestrom’s greatest enemy is his brother, Novirath. Their relationship, once based on mutual respect, has turned into bitter enmity. Novirath’s attempts to eradicate Haestrom’s influence from Kena'an fueled the rage and desire for revenge that drives Haestrom to this day. The war between them, known as The Purification, is the stuff of legend, marking a time of great upheaval in the world.

Haestrom despises Ephelion, the God of Arts and Love, for his close alliance with Novirath. Ephelion’s ideals of freedom and creativity are anathema to Haestrom’s doctrine of order and control. The Frozen Lord sees Ephelion’s influence as a threat to his ambitions and views his creations, especially the elves, as weak and undisciplined.

Zinxa, the Goddess of Death and Undeath, is one of Haestrom’s most loyal allies. She shares his desire for control and his belief in the power of darkness. Zinxa admires Haestrom’s ruthless ambition and often aids him in his schemes. Their relationship is one of mutual respect and shared goals, though Zinxa’s obsession with undeath sometimes puts her at odds with Haestrom’s focus on cold, living order.

The Maiden of Plagues and Madness, Mioran, is another of Haestrom’s allies, having once aided him in his struggles against Novirath. Mioran’s ability to spread disease and chaos complements Haestrom’s destructive tendencies, and they have worked together to weaken their enemies through plagues and cold alike.

Haestrom’s relationship with his daughter, Verana, the Goddess of Prophecies and Dreams, is complicated. He views her as his greatest creation, born from the remnants of his failed Moon. However, their relationship has become strained over the years, as Verana’s own will and independence grew. Haestrom respects her power and insight, but he is frustrated by her refusal to fully align with his ambitions. Despite this, Verana remains the only being in the pantheon whom Haestrom regards with a semblance of love and pride.

  • Symbol: Iron Fist clutching a frozen heart
  • Titles: The Infernal, The Frozen Lord
  • Home Plane: Hell
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Portfolio: Sins, Revenge, Law, Evil, Destruction, Cold
  • Worshipers: Necromancers, Orcs, Evil Beasts, Glaciarcs
  • Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
  • Domains: Law, Evil, Water, Darkness, Destruction
  • Sub domains: Law, Evil, Water, Darkness, Destruction
  • Favorite Weapon: Katana
  • Sacred Animal: Lizard
  • Sacred Colors: Icy Blue
Divine Classification
Greater God/Devil
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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