
General Information

Sadorian, one of the first gods to emerge in Kena'an after the world’s creation, is the guardian of nature and the wilds. He is particularly revered as the protector of forests.  


Novirath created Sadorian even before his world was fully formed. The Protector descended to the material plane and used soil, water, autumn leaves and tree brunches to create a new form. He then breathed life into this strange being and a fire spark into its eyes. Sadorian arose, merging with the forests and becoming one with the soil. With every breath he took, the forests of Kena'an grew. Thus, Sadorian became the living embodiment of the wilderness.  


When Sadorian visits the material world, he often takes the form of a Centaur to unite with the forests he loves. He is usually depicted as a magnificent male deer of immense size and beauty. His antlers are like ancient branches and his eyes burn with the fire of life, embodying the vitality and grandeur of the natural world.  


Sadorian’s primary concern is the protection of nature, especially the forests. He is the guardian of all animals and life that thrives within the woods. To extend his vigilance across the vast wilderness, Sadorian created the Centaurs, a race that embodies the fusion of humanity and the wild. These Centaurs live in isolation from modern civilization, maintaining the old, traditional ways and living in harmony with nature. Sadorian views as enemies all those who threaten the natural order and the ancient magic of the world. His worshipers are mainly rangers, druids, bards, half-elves, and halflings, all of whom are drawn to his reverence for the natural world and its preservation.  

Clergy and Temples

Temples dedicated to Sadorian are typically small and located in secluded, natural settings, often deep within forests or other isolated regions. They are constructed from wood, dirt, leaves, and other natural materials, blending seamlessly with the environment. His clerics are dressed in leather and warm furs, reflecting their connection to the wild. These temples are open to all, offering refuge and a place of worship for those who revere nature.



Sadorian enjoys a close and cooperative relationship with Idril, the God of Balance and the Elements. Their shared commitment to protecting the natural world has forged an eternal bond between them, leading to frequent collaboration in their divine efforts.

Sadorian holds profound respect for his father, Novirath, and often acts as a mediator between him and his younger brother, Levar. Despite having little in common with the Trickster, Sadorian is deeply invested in mending the fractured relationships within his family, hoping to eventually restore harmony.

Sadorian also occasionally aids Silanthas, the Traveler, during his endless journeys. On several occasions, Sadorian has provided refuge within the heart of the forest, shielding Silanthas from the wrath of their grandmother, Verana.

On the other hand, Sadorian stands in opposition to any deities who threaten the natural order. This includes sworn enemies like Zinxa, Mioran, and Unnur, whose destructive tendencies and disregard for the sanctity of nature are in direct conflict with Sadorian's values. Additionally, he remains at odds with Haestrom, stemming from their confrontation during The Purification, where Sadorian sided with his father against the Frozen Lord.

  • Symbol: The Roots of Eternity
  • Titles: The Soul of the Earth, The Great Deer, The Hunter
  • Home Plane: The Sun
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Portfolio: Nature, Forests, Centaurs, Plants, Environment, Animals, Earth
  • Worshipers: Druids, Rangers, Centaurs, Half elves
  • Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, LG, N
  • Domains: Animal, Healing, Plant, Weather
  • Sub domains: Seasons, Growth, Restoration, Feather, Fur
  • Favorite Weapon: Short Bow
  • Sacred Animal: Deer
  • Sacred Colors: Green, Brown
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