
Nestled between the serene waters of Mistveil Lake, Crystal Lake, and Emerald Lake, the city of Thandor rises majestically from the landscape, its towering spires and grand walls a testament to the might and glory of the empire. The air hums with the energy of the bustling metropolis, where the lives of half a million souls intertwine in a constant dance of commerce, culture, and power.

Founded by the legendary Emperor Alarin I Condore of the Condore Dynasty- that is still the ruling family- nearly 1,000 years ago, Thandor has grown from a mere fortress into the thriving center of civilization. Its streets are a labyrinth of stone pathways, flanked by towering buildings adorned with intricate carvings and banners that flutter in the breeze, each one telling the tale of the city’s rich history.

Every corner reveals a new wonder—from the imposing citadels of the Imperial Palace, where the Emperor and his advisors rule the vast empire, to the bustling markets filled with exotic goods and the lively chatter of merchants from every corner of the world. The lakes that cradle the city reflect its splendor, their waters shimmering with the light of the sun and moon, adding an almost otherworldly beauty to the scene.

Thandor is more than just a city; it is the living heart of the empire, pulsing with life and purpose. The disciplined cadence of soldiers marching in the Military District echoes through the streets, a constant reminder of the city’s militaristic core. Yet, amidst the rigid order, there is a vibrant undercurrent of culture and creativity, with festivals, music, and art flourishing in every corner.

As you step through the gates of Thandor, you can feel the weight of its history and the power that emanates from its very stones. This is the center of the world, where destinies are forged and the future of the empire is shaped. This is Thandor, the crowned jewel of the Keraian Empire.


Humans 90%

Elves 5%

Half elves 2%

Other Races 3%


Thandor, the heart of the Keraian Empire, is a city where power and authority are deeply intertwined with the imperial throne. The emperor, seated within the grand halls of the Imperial Palace, is the supreme ruler not only of the empire but also of its capital city. Every significant decision, every decree that shapes the future of Thandor, ultimately originates from the emperor’s hand.

However, the day-to-day civil matters of this vast metropolis are overseen by a figure of more symbolic than practical authority—the mayor of Thandor. Appointed directly by the palace for life, the mayor is often a well-known and respected figure among the citizens, chosen for their popularity and ability to resonate with the common people. The position of mayor is one that brings a sense of connection between the imperial court and the city's populace, serving as a bridge that maintains the emperor’s image as both a powerful ruler and a benevolent overseer of the people’s welfare.

Despite this, the mayor's actual power is limited. While they oversee the administration of civil affairs, such as the organization of festivals, the management of public spaces, and the maintenance of city services, their role is largely ceremonial. Real authority in matters of governance, law, and order remains firmly in the hands of the imperial officials who directly report to the emperor. The mayor, therefore, acts more as the face of the city's civil administration, a figurehead who symbolizes the empire’s care for its citizens, rather than a ruler with true executive power.

In essence, while the emperor commands the grand strategies and policies that shape the entire empire, the mayor of Thandor serves as the local steward of the city, ensuring that the capital remains a well-functioning and harmonious place for all who live within its walls. The balance between these two roles—one of supreme command and the other of symbolic leadership—ensures that Thandor remains both the political heart and the thriving soul of the Keraian Empire.


1. Luminous Haven: Perched atop Lavert Hill, the Luminous Haven is Thandor’s most prestigious district, housing the magnificent Imperial Palace, the epicenter of the Keraian Empire. Surrounded by the tranquil Royal Gardens, this district also includes the private Temple of Novirath and the barracks of the elite Order of the Silver Stalion, who guard the emperor. Luminous Haven is a fortress of imperial power and a symbol of the empire's grandeur.

2. Silver Arc:At the foot of Lavert Hill, Silver Arc is the noble district of Thandor, home to the empire’s most influential figures. Named after the ancient Silver Arc at its entrance, this district features grand estates, the Museum of Keraian History, a grand arena, and Thandor's town hall, all surrounded by elegant plazas. Silver Arc embodies the city's blend of history, power, and culture.

3. Quarter of the Owl: Centrally located, the Quarter of the Owl is Thandor’s academic district, housing prestigious institutions like the Magical Academy of Oblidonia, the Public Academy of Sciences, and a famed Bardic College. It also contains local libraries and residential areas for professors and scholars, creating a serene environment dedicated to learning and intellectual pursuits.

4. Fort Stone: In Thandor’s west, Fort Stone is the city’s military heart, housing the prestigious Military Academy, the Empire’s Archives, the Royal Forge, and the city’s underground water network. The district is also home to the Civic Guard’s central offices. The iconic Square of Blades, leading to the military academy, symbolizes the district’s dedication to strength and discipline.

5. Iron District: Spanning a large area, the Iron District is Thandor’s industrial hub, filled with factories, craft shops, and the homes of the working class. The Industrial Plaza, at its heart, is where business thrives and industry pulses. It’s a district defined by hard work and productivity.

6. Grand Bazaar: Located at the crossroads of Thandor, the Grand Bazaar is a lively and dynamic marketplace. It’s a bustling hub where merchants and vendors from across the empire sell their diverse goods, making it the central trading district of the city.

7. The Pit: The Pit, in the sunken east of Thandor, is a grim and desolate slum. Marked by poverty, fear, and crime, it’s unofficially ruled by rival gangs. This shadowy district is home to the city’s poorest, trapped in a harsh reality of despair and danger.

8. The Edhellond: The Edhellond is Thandor’s elven ghetto, home to a struggling elven population. Most work as servants or small shopkeepers, living in poverty. The district is named after a sacred pond at its center, a symbol of cultural significance for the elves who reside there.

9. Marble Miracle: Located on the other side of Lavert Hill, Marble Miracle is Thandor’s temple district, where the gods of the pantheon are worshiped. The Cathedral of Novirath dominates the district, with its towering presence overshadowing other temples. Governed by a council of clerics, Marble Miracle is a spiritual and administrative hub for the city’s religious life.

10. The Commons: As Thandor’s largest district, The Commons is the city’s vibrant core, filled with affordable housing and shops. It’s the bustling, accessible heart where everyday life thrives and the city’s common people reside and work.

  • Alignment: LN
  • Caster Level: 15
  • Religion: Mainly Novirath
  • Language: Common
  • Wealth: 350,000gp
  • Allowance: 40,000gp
Founding Date
15 ADA
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.

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