The Pit

In the sunken district of Thandor, the sky seems perpetually out of reach, as though the city above has forsaken those who dwell below. Narrow, twisted streets wind through crumbling buildings, their once-grand facades now worn by time and neglect. The air in the Pit is thick with grime, and the stench of sewage and desperation hangs heavy in every corner. Here, the empire's laws are whispered suggestions, barely heard over the clamor of rival gangs that control every alley and marketplace. Broken lanterns cast flickering, uneven light, throwing long shadows where the downtrodden shuffle between makeshift homes, scavenging for scraps. The city guard rarely dares to enter, leaving this sunken pit to be governed by rivaling crime lords who rule with iron fists, their battles for dominance a constant, bloody struggle. Hope is a distant memory here, buried beneath layers of filth and forgotten dreams.


Important Locations

  1. Rodent's Den: Located in one of the most central areas of the Pit District, Rodent’s Den is a decrepit, cheap, and barely-standing inn. From the outside, it appears abandoned- its roof riddled with holes, several windows broken and patched haphazardly. A large, tattered sign hangs precariously above the entrance, featuring a scrawny, snarling rat holding a mug of ale, a grim and unwelcoming herald for what lies within.

    The atmosphere inside is even darker. The air is thick with tension, as if every corner holds a secret best left untold. Dim oil lamps struggle to cast light, leaving much of the common room in unsettling shadows. The few flickering flames only deepen the sense of foreboding, illuminating the scarred faces of patrons in sharp, fleeting detail.

    The clientele consists of hardened, suspicious figures- mercenaries, thieves, and criminals of all kinds, their eyes constantly tracking new arrivals with a mix of distrust and curiosity. Conversations are murmured in hushed tones, often punctuated by abrupt silences whenever an outsider enters. Rodent’s Den is not a place for the faint of heart.

    Despite the disrepair, one constant remains: the owner, a grizzled and intimidating figure, seems to be perpetually present, overseeing the inn with a watchful eye. Rumor has it that nothing happens in the Pit without Barlo Rees knowing- and those who cross him rarely live to tell the tale.

  2. The Blooming Shai'ira:Tucked away in one of the quieter and better-maintained corners of the Pit District, the Blooming Shai'ira stands in stark contrast to its grimy surroundings. The building itself is vibrant, its upkeep and vivid colors making the neighboring structures appear even more drab and decayed. Both inside and out, the walls are adorned with garish murals and tapestries, depicting indulgences of the flesh and enormous, exotic flowers in every hue imaginable.

    The interior exudes an air of lavish decadence. Plush cushions and comfortable seating are scattered across the rooms, while the scent of perfumes and incense fills the air. Rich silks and fabrics drape from the ceilings and walls, lending the space a sensual warmth. Music floats through the brothel, accompanied by the soft, rhythmic sound of dancing feet, as the laughter and murmured conversations of patrons mingle in the air. The more intimate rooms lie tucked away in the back and on the upper floors, each private chamber designed for pleasure and discretion.

    Owned by the powerful Vannore Syndicate- one of the two ruling criminal families in the Pit- the Blooming Shai'ira is not just a brothel, but a hub of influence and intrigue. The establishment is a key asset for the Vannore family, serving as both a sanctuary for their dealings and a means to gather valuable information. Though the atmosphere is one of comfort and indulgence, beneath the surface lies the ever-watchful presence of the Syndicate, ensuring that the Blooming Shai'ira remains both a place of pleasure and power.

  3. The Rooster: The Rooster, the largest building in the Pit District, dominates the central square. From the outside, its weathered and neglected facade gives the impression of an abandoned ruin. Yet, once you step through its doors, that illusion quickly vanishes. Inside, a grand inner courtyard, meticulously maintained, greets visitors with an unexpected sense of care and attention. Beyond the courtyard lies the heart of the Rooster- a bustling, raucous casino filled with the clamor of dice, cards, and coins.

    The interior is a spectacle of extravagant decor. Heavy crimson velvet drapes frame every doorway and window, while gold chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting warm, flickering light across polished tables and richly upholstered chairs. The air is thick with the scent of expensive tobacco and the sharp bite of alcohol, creating a heady atmosphere of indulgence. The Rooster is a place where fortunes are won and lost in a heartbeat.

    Unlike many other places in the Pit, the Rooster attracts more than just locals. Nobles and wealthy citizens from the higher districts frequently make their way here, drawn by the allure of high-stakes gambling and the thrill of rubbing shoulders with the underworld. With a variety of games available- from dice and cards to more exotic forms of chance- the Rooster offers something for every gambler, regardless of their tastes or station.

    Beyond its role as a casino, the Rooster is also the headquarters of the Vannore Syndicate. From here, the family oversees its vast criminal empire, pulling strings that reach far beyond the Pit. While the casino is alive with the thrill of risk, every movement within is watched by the Syndicate’s eyes, ensuring the Rooster remains both a den of fortune and a fortress of power.

  4. Horned Arena: The Pit's underground arena is one of the district's most frequented and infamous attractions. Carved into a natural cave formed during the district's ancient collapse, the arena is an open space encircled by crude seating and makeshift stands. The rocky walls are adorned with tattered banners, depicting fearsome monsters and blood-soaked warriors, setting the tone for the brutal spectacles to come.

    It is one of the few forms of "entertainment" in the Pit, drawing crowds every night for its variety of shows and savage fights. The arena hosts everything from voluntary brawls between skilled fighters—many of whom are members of an underground fight club- to more harrowing battles. The latter are what most come to see: life-or-death contests where the participants have no choice but to fight for survival. These unfortunate souls include debtors who owe their lives to the Bruul Brotherhood and their Red Hand gang, captured criminals, or even slaves. For many, the sight of combatants being forced to battle wild beasts or exotic creatures to the death is the ultimate thrill.

    The Horned Arena is more than a mere place of bloodsport. It’s also a key asset for the Bruul Brotherhood, allowing them to showcase their power and extract profit from the misery of others. Bets are placed, fortunes made and lost, and the air hums with the promise of violence. In the Pit, where hope is scarce, the arena provides a grim escape for the masses, while serving as a stark reminder of the district’s dark reality.

  5. Agatha's Haven: In the desolate and chaotic streets of the Pit, where orphans and broken families are all too common, a small glimmer of hope persists. That hope is Agatha's Haven, an old, neglected orphanage that has served as a refuge for children for over half a century. The building is modest and worn, its exterior showing the passage of time, but it stands firm as a sanctuary for those in need. Inside, children share humble meals and sleep in simple beds under the watchful care of Mother Agatha, a stern elderly woman who has raised countless children over the years.

    Despite the safety it offers, the Haven has a dark reputation. The occasional disappearance of children has fueled troubling rumors about what really goes on behind its doors. Some claim sinister forces are at play, while others believe it's simply a product of the Pit’s dangerous environment. Regardless of the whispers, Agatha's Haven continues to struggle to remain open, barely managing to survive amid the relentless despair of the district.

Alternative Name(s)
The Slums, The Den of the Forsaken
Location under
Hope? There is no such a thing in the Pit. It’s been swallowed whole, buried under dirt and desperation long before I ever got out.
— Anonymous
The Blooming Shai'ira
Interior of the Rooster
All the images used are AI generated by the author, unless otherwise stated.


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