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Cetina served as aedile during the term of Tribune Cyrus Kokkinos. She stepped down in year three of the Repose, and was subsequently killed during a conflict with Zenith loyalists.   As you might imagine, Cyrus’s personality took some… reigning in, and that duty was one that tended to fall to Aedile Cetina. Cetina was a taciturn and blunt deerkin who dutifully worked alongside Cyrus as a partner more than the subordinate that her title of “aedile” would imply. She was an old childhood friend of Cyrus’s, having come from a minor noble family herself. Much like Cyrus, this wasn’t something she held above anyone, and was something she considered a minor fact about herself. It’s the sort of thing that was really only known because her family’s antlers tend to grow in similar configurations.   As an aedile, Cetina was the person who handled Cyrus’s business and political affairs. If there was a meeting that he attended, it was surely only because of Cetina’s insistence. Similarly, managing the wellbeing of the Shard-Bearers was also one of Cetina’s responsibilities. It was one she seemed to enjoy, since she regarded the Shard-Bearers with interest she rarely allowed herself to show openly, since she found the wonder a little embarrassing. But still, it was no secret that one of the few things to draw her out of her work was to hear a story about a Shard-Bearer’s home.   A few years after Cyrus’s assassination and Agapitos Voreen’s election, Cetina stepped down from her position as aedile and began pursuing justice for her friend's death. On the 57th of Warqu, year seven of the Repose, she led an attack on Highstorm and was killed along with the rest of her group after they were surprised by Zenith forces. Investigations conducted by Tribune Voreen later revealed that Zenith loyalists had lured her into a trap.   Art is very kindly drawn by Sib!
Current Status
Multicolor: Purple & Green
5'4" / 1.63m (5'7"/1.7m including horns)
Aligned Organization


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