BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Zenith speaks to you: not from the light, but in the shadows. It does not speak from the warm touch of the sun, but instead the cool, calming illumination of the moon's rays in perpetual night. It is not the burning passion of virile life — but the acceptance of death and its role in the natural cycle of things. All things must reach their end.   And what is born from the ashes of what came before can be beautiful, so says Yima.   Those who embrace the Zenith understand that Oblivion has swallowed their worlds and fractured countless timelines; there is no undoing such widespread damage, Yima and every Zenite will tell you. The cycle of life and death has been irreparably disturbed and knocked askew, sending everything into a free fall beyond redemption. But she has given her people hope despite such a crushing revelation — through her connection to the Zenith, she remains a lifeline, a tether, to souls ever flowing toward Oblivion. Though her power is not great enough to fulfill every Shard-Bearer's wish yet, she will assure you that what you love most — a person, a place, power — is a pittance of what you can be granted should the Oracles be claimed for the Zenith. The Meridian are unable to accept the writing on the wall, but she does not blame them. Loss is painful, and clinging to empty hope is sometimes all a wounded heart can bear.   But you, she believes, are strong. Strong enough to do what must be done alongside your new brothers and sisters. Find all you need in Highstorm's shadows that whisper a peaceful acceptance of what is to come. Walk its moonlit streets where every man, woman and child sees you as family — for all will be connected in the world to come. Should you have a want, a need — then sate it. Should you look for freedom and solitude, or companionship and hedonistic revelry, it will be yours should you all but ask.   The only price is loyalty. Serve, and be rewarded.  

About Zenith

Zenith is the faction that advocates for the position that the worlds that you came from are all destroyed and incapable of restoration. However, there’s still hope. By acquiring the Oracles, Yima will be able to use their power to forge a new path for the people of Kenos by creating a new world for its residents to inhabit.   This new world is one that will be shaped by the Shard-Bearers who see it realized. Yima will be there to provide advice and a guiding hand, but part of the reward granted to the heroes who claim the Oracles is also being able to make a Creation that suits them. If your world was a difficult place, you can make sure those difficulties never exist; or if you loved it, you can recreate those pieces you miss. This new world will be a blank canvas for the Zenites to paint together.   In exchange for your loyalty, Yima can give you what you treasure most. A Shard of a beloved person, power, whatever it is you need to find the strength to help forge this new world. It isn’t always something she can grant when you Harmonize to Zenith — sometimes, it too needs the power of the Oracles. But Yima’s power is great, and she’s willing to bargain.  

Zenite Diplomacy

While Zenith and Highstorm will always have an interest in material resources and goods to support their people, the lower population makes this less of a priority. Zenith instead has an interest in looking ahead to things that will provide them an advantage, whether in the Oracle conflict or in their new world. Zenith is likely to want information, especially as it pertains to any kind of innovation or technology. A Shard-Bearer is also considered extremely valuable, and Yima will always advocate bringing them back to Highstorm in case of capture or the like. This does tend to have the bent of being a matter of resources and secrecy rather than something personal at times, though.   In terms of their wider goal, Zenith does offer a place in their new world for any residents of Kenos who would choose to go. However, this is a non-starter for most Meri, as to even go would mean that their worlds were sacrificed for the sake of Zenith’s new one.


  • Highstorm
Controlled Territories

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