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The Scorching Isles

At a Glance

The Scorching Isles is home to the Atirat, a people of sea-dwellers who have the ability to walk on land (think mermaids with the ability to shift back and forth between human and mermaid forms). As such, much of the Scorching Isles is covered in large bodies of blue water and glistening pieces of ice to accommodate their lifestyle.   The castle, however, is what dominates the landscape and is where Shard-Bearers initially spent their time.   The white castle with colorful glass windows is obscured by a thick layer of clouds and fog. Nearly every location on the island has a thin layer of fog that rolls through it, which gives the entire island an inescapable chill. Throughout the castle are artfully built rooms with a cavalcade of decorative ice, lavish mirrors, and white plants accented with blue decorations. Several portions of the castle are submerged due to the aquatic nature of the native residents.   The Scorching Isles were where Shard-Bearers found the first Oracle (January 2023 event), which was eventually claimed by Zenith. However, as the Shard-Bearers returned to their homes, they brought the mysterious affliction that plagued the Scorching Isles with them: The Blight.   After the Iconoclast Oracle (Part 2), a group of Shard-Bearers returned to the Scorching Isles with the help of Aetós in order to find a cure for the Blight.  

The Castle

The castle has many winding paths to explore, as castles often do. There are sleeping quarters, hallways, a wine cellar, and a few large rooms presumably for diplomatic affairs. Most notable in the castle were:  
  • The Eating Parlor: A kitchen with all the equipment one would need for meal preparation. Dried plants hang from the ceiling, and the walls are lined with mason jars filled with every strange manner of presumably edible things. The parlour also comes with a garden under a massive windowed dome so that the inhabitants could have fresh produce at hand. Many plants have withered, but there are some salvageable plants if you know how to look for them. But beware… Some of the plants have a strange blue glow, as they're infected with the Blight
  • The Royal Library: A neutral safezone during the event, containing a treasure trove of knowledge, history, and glimpses of a fractured past scattered throughout. The lower floor of the Library is void of much reading material and contains several intricate-looking art pieces on decorative pedestals.
  • The Treasure Room: An icy chamber bordered by a ring of cold blue fire. There is a deep pond that surrounds the platform you’ve found yourself standing on. Beyond its glassy surface and crystal clear water, one can glimpse all manner of treasures, from crowns, jewels, ornate statues in various states of repair, scepters, spears, and books that seem impervious to the water's cold chill. This room was once guarded by a Siren, but she was killed by Shard-Bearers.
  However, Atirat were much more comfortable being underwater than many Kenosians may be. Therefore, rooms of higher importance may be completely submerged or require swimming through an underwater pathway to reach them.   And everywhere you go, you find them — statuesque bodies of the Atirat frozen mid-movement.
Location for the January 2023 Oracle event.     This Island is no longer accessible IC.
Characters in Location


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