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Aetós is a mysterious individual who seems to have a long and entrenched history in Kenos. Though they were once the 4th tribune's wizard, they retreated into obscurity, and little was known of them for a long time. About a century ago, they assisted Tribune Agapitos Voreen in uplifting most of Springstar into the newly-named sky city Skysong, and they now serve the 35th tribune as wizard, again casting their lot in with Meridian.   First appearing in the visions of some of the Shard-Bearers that encountered a strange creature in Alenroux, Aetós's presence started to become more prominent during the current Shard-Bearers' generation. They were behind the creature — an Aeternae — created using Manon's Shard as a base, and appear to have done this more than once, using different Shards. At least some of their work appears to be conducted in The Below, as characters found when raiding a zoo of sorts that later became The Burning Garden.   The extent of their abilities is unknown, but they appear to be able to use a sort of time magic. With an apparent connection to the Timestream they are able to access items and creatures from other worlds, and has used this ability to experiment on what they find. They created Adelfoúla, and refer to her as their greatest innovation.   The name Aetós is shared with a small bird of prey common to Springstar.  

Player Character Interactions

Aetós seems to have a keen interest in Shards and, in particular, the newest generation of Shard-Bearers (i.e. player characters).   Below is a guide to some interactions Aetós has had with various player characters, primarily for OOC knowledge.  



Actions, experimentations, etc.

Current Location
Founded Settlements

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