Some say Ser-aya, the loving desert goddess, and her fellows made this land, and this is all there is. Others insist there are lands beyond our own - that either Ser-aya is protecting us, or some of the other gods are holding us back, trying to inhibit us. Whatever the reason, we are hemmed in on Ken'Ser'Aya. To our east, the desert of beloved Aya, our west the peaks of Jag'Matir, the north and south the oceans of Bah'Vit and Matsaya.
But Aya has given us all we need, and her son ensures that we can move it to those who have not. The soil here is good, the winters short. It is a good place to live.
The subcontinent of Ken'Ser'Aya is completely isolated from whatever else of the world there is. The name is literally "of Ser'Aya" is a reference to the goddess held most dear by most of the residents. It is largely plains in the center, with a large forest and many rivers.
Natural Resources
The land is excellent for farming, with long summers. Good stone can be hard to find, but there is plenty of lumber, food, and luxury goods throughout.