Cagebeasts are large creatures not found in the wilds of Kenshi. Cagebeasts are the result of years of breeding and mutation by the United Cities to create the perfect pack animal. With ties to both Garru and Gutters, Cagebeasts are extremely hardy creatures, capable of carrying twice their body weight upon their backs. They are named "Cage" beasts for the slave cages they often carry. The Traders Guild make heavy use of this creature in the transport of all sorts of "goods". Cagebeasts have a very passive attitude, they are docile and will only attack under extreme duress. Many Cagebeast riders carry large whips or sticks to keep their beast from stopping to eat bushes or lying down.
Cagebeast are herbivors, eating just about any plant life they can get their mouths on, including wood or thorn covered shrubs. Their stomach has a thick lining and Cagebeasts are immune to almost all toxins.