
Cat-Lon has been the Emperor of the Second Empire for over 1000 years. While his Empire has diminished through the centuries to just a few holdings he still weilds great power and respect. Now residing in his Fortress of Cat-Lon's Exile in the Ashlands he hasn't been seen outside it's walls for as long back as anyone can remember. Most of the moon refers to him as "Mad" Cat-Lon and he's often found deep in ramblings of betrayal and impurity.

Cat-Lon's Madness

The Great Drought of 300 AE nearly brought the Second Empire to it's knees turning the people to violence for survival and in it's most brutal form, cannibalism. Many believe this was the beginning of Cat-Lon's decent to madness, caused by the betrayals of the very humans he was trying to protect. It would be another 500 years before the true Fall of The Second Empire and in this time Cat-Lon completely lost his interest in saving humanity, turning to more of a hatred by the end of the century. The Holy Nation Rebellion was the final straw for Cat-Lon and eventually drove him to abandon his Empire and retreat to the isolation of the Ashlands branded as "Mad" Cat-Lon the Exile by the Holy Nation. While Cat-Lon is not the founder of The Church of Stobe he is it's most influencial member and as he turned to a hatred of humans, so did the church. Cat-Lon now claims that Stobe's final act was not of mercy but rather disobedience.


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