The Hub

The Hub is one of the most iconic yet forlorn settlements on the moon of Kenshi, sitting in the heart of the Border Zone. It is a place that stands as a stark reminder of a once-thriving outpost, now reduced to a crumbling ruin. Despite its state of decay, the Hub serves as a crossroads for drifters, mercenaries, and exiles, attracting those seeking shelter from the harshness of the surrounding world or simply looking for a place to disappear.


Once a bustling trading post, the Hub was a key waypoint for caravans traveling between the Holy Nation and the Shek Kingdom. Its location made it a natural hub for commerce, earning its name. However, as war, famine, and lawlessness spread throughout the region, the Hub fell into decline. Bandit raids, the shifting power dynamics of the surrounding factions, and the harsh environment all contributed to its collapse.
"As history has shown, the Hub cannot be held. Everytime we try, we inevitably lose it within months.
The recent loss at the hands of the Empire was further proof of that: Narko shook the world and made two entire sections of the southern wall collapse. And, no later than this week, wraiths have appeared and taken one of our holy brothers. As long as Narko's darkness covers the place, we cannot hold it. For too long have we fought with the false enemy! We must redirect our attention to the Dark Demoness' first minions, only by destroying the dark ones can we weaken her influence."
— Priest Varloo
Today, the Hub is little more than a shadow of its former self, a town that barely clings to life. Its ancient stone walls and buildings are cracked and worn by time, and many of its structures lie in ruins, with broken rooftops and crumbling facades standing as testament to its slow decay.
The Holy Nations most recent patrol to the region culminated with Ludin's Report.

Points of interest

The Broken SpineAt its heart lies The Broken Spine Bar, a modest yet bustling center of activity where travelers can find food, drink, and the latest gossip. The bar is one of the few remaining functional structures, with its worn wooden tables and the dim glow of lanterns providing a sense of community amid the ruin.
Location under


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