
The Swampers, a loosely held together conglomerate of gangs led by none, prioritizing individuality and freedom. Each of the five gangs making up this alliance are led by a "Big Boss" maintaining their own claims within The Swamp with Shark as the neutral hub.


The Largest of the Swamper gangs, The Hounds operate out of their stronghold in the city of Shark. They are ruled by Big Grim who many, but not all, consider to be the leader of all Swampers. While The Hounds do operate the largest military within The Swamp their primary function is the production and exportation of Hashish.
"The Hounds are the top dogs, they run the show around here.
They done a good job of getting' hemp to grow in the swamps... whether they've been makin' sacrifices to Narko or they just got green goddamn fingers, who the hell knows. Either way it's got em' a pretty big standing in the smuggling trade, they're the most powerful of the clans. Their leader, Grim, he's about as smart as he is crazy..."
— Shark Barman

Stone Rats

The Stone Rats run on a simple and ancient code... "Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers". They are led by the violent hiver, Big Al operating out of Stone Rat Village. When not robbing travellers they're extorting the people of the Southern United Cities and even their own within the Swamp.
"Between you and me... the Stone Rats are nothing more than a bunch of thugs. I goddamn hate them myself, saunterin' around town like they own the place. They run a protection racket so they like to beat Cats out of the honest business owners like me..."
— Shark Barman


Operating out of their headquarters in Ganhad and led by the greenlander Big Gray, the Grayflayers find most their success in the smuggling of hashish into the United Cities and Holy Nation. They have good relations with The Hounds and Traders Guild maintaining an important middle man position within the black market. Aside from smuggling The Grayflayers often participate in high profile heists and assassinations, claiming to only target the corrupt.
"The Grayflayers tend to keep to themselves.
They mainly do raids, heists, and covert missions for big payin' customers. Apparently they only steal from the 'bad', so I hear, but no one knows too much about their activities."
— Shark Barman


Made entirely of ronin Hivers, the Blackshifters are one of the wealthiest gangs of The Swamp. They run the casinos found in Mud Town and Shark, and can often be found extorting money out of people that owe them. They are lead by their boss, Big Darkbrow from their casino, The Muddy Gamble in the city of Shark.
"Made up of hive ronins.
Though, they may be ronins, but they sure haven't lost that greedy goddamn hiver mindset.
They handle the town's money... loansharking, gambling, that sorta thing... they run the casinos 'round here. As long as you don't owe 'em money, they got no reason to hurt you."
— Shark Barman


The most savage of the five gangs, Twinblades are entirely made up of Ashlanders and are led by the infamous Big Fang with most calling Mudtown home. They don't hide the fact that they trade in organs and while claiming to never steal they will always collect whats due one way or another. Some of the worlds most talented doctors and surgeons are members of the Twinblades Gang.
"Those guys, they're about as crazy as they come, they gimme the goddamn creeps.
They traffic organs, do kidnappin's and ransoms too. Okran knows where they get their...stock...from.
You know what, I don't want to know. I ain't pissin' em off any time soon though, that's for sure."
soon to be former
Shark Barman
Controlled Territories


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