Border Zone

The Border Zone is a wild, unforgiving frontier located between the more established regions of Kenshi. It serves as the boundary between the oppressive authority of the Holy Nation to the north and the arid deserts of the Southern United Cities and Shek Kingdom. As a neutral, lawless expanse, the Border Zone is a magnet for outcasts, criminals, escaped slaves, and those simply seeking to live free from the strict rules of the major powers.


A harsh, desolate region, the Border Zone hosts a landscape dominated by rocky plains, arid valleys, and jagged cliffs. The soil is dry and cracked with sparse vegetation forever searching for water. Only hardy shrubs and stunted trees managing to cling to life in this harsh environment. Dust storms frequently sweep through the area covering and uncovering the ancient structures buried below.

Fauna & Flora


Drought-Resistant Shrubs: Small, hardy shrubs grow sporadically throughout the zone, clinging to life in the arid soil. These plants are often used for firewood or as fodder for livestock by the region's inhabitants.
Spiny Cacti: Found in the more arid areas, these cacti are a rare source of water for both humans and animals. Their sharp spines make them difficult to harvest, but they are a vital resource for those wandering the desolate landscape.


Bonedog: The "Bone" dog gets its name from the bones that permiate its hide, providing a formidable natural defense. Their skulls are made of many layers of articulating bone plates, often used as a way to daze their opponents or deflect blows.


As long back as anyone can remember the Border Zone has been home to endless war and conflict. In recent years the attentions of the great powers of Kenshi have been turned elsewhere leaving the Border zone to a state of lawlessness. Over the years the Holy Nation, Shek Kingdom and United Cities have all had there turn at holding dominion over this realm but all were short lived, The Holy Nation even claims the region is cursed by Narko.
  The most recent recordings of the Border Zone and Hub come from High Paladin Ludin's Report.
Included Locations


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